By drawing on the disciplines of philosophy, cultural studies, development studies, communication studies, media studies, linguistics, literary studies, history, educational studies and psychology, you will explore human experiences as they have emerged as ideas and desires as well as material representations, always approaching these with a critical spirit aimed at furthering our understanding of the world.
Much of our understanding of the humanities has been shaped by the role of the nation in defining how we live and understand the world. tt备用网址 in Global Humanities explores this but also examine shifting boundaries, hybrid identities and new cultural formations that are emerging as 'global encounters' intensify.
The initial three-semester phase of the programme consists of a number of study elements:
- Coursework within the four dimensions of science and philosophy, text and sign, subjectivity and learning, and history and culture
- Three semester-long group-based projects that integrate the competences gained from the dimension courses
- A series of 'progression' courses aimed at learning skills for project work, tools for humanistic research methodologies and the capacity to work with theory in academic writing
The subsequent three-semesters of the bachelor phase will be based in the subjects Communication Studies, Cultural Encounters and Psychology. You can also combine these subjects with areas from the social sciences; namely International Studies or Business Studies giving you the opportunity to relate your humanities training to broader themes in international relations and business.
The programme is taught in English, this means that you will have to read and write academic English for both your courses, exams and projects. Moreover, all teaching and course literature is in English.
Din hverdag p? studiet
P? tt备用网址 in Global Humanities bliver du en del af et st?rkt fagligt og socialt f?llesskab. Fra din f?rste dag som studerende kommer du til at h?re til et hold af medstuderende, som du f?lges med i den f?rste del af uddannelsen.
tt备用网址 in Global Humanities har sin egen bygning p? RUC’s campus, og du vil blive en del af et hus, hvor du har din faste base sammen med cirka 80 medstuderende. I har en studiemilj?koordinator og et holdtutorer, som er tilknyttet huset og underst?tter det faglige og sociale milj? p? uddannelsen.
Du kan blive en del af International Community - en studenterdreven organisation, som faciliterer events og f?llesskab mellem danske og internationale studerende p? Roskilde Universitet. Meld dig til workshops, f?llesspisning, sport og spilleaftener - eller virtuelle alternativer der holder f?llesskaberne ved lige.
Fra bachelor til kandidat
N?r du har afsluttet din bacheloruddannelse, kan du l?se videre p? en af Roskilde Universitets kandidatuddannelser. Se listen med kandidatuddannelser, som RUC udbyder fra 2028.
Afh?ngig af, hvad du har valgt at specialisere dig i, vil du kunne s?ge job inden for en lang r?kke forskellige brancher fra it-branchen til handelstt备用网址er, sm? og store private tt备用网址er, r?dgivningstt备用网址er inden for kultur, turisme eller oplevelses?konomi og meget mere.
Efter din kandidatuddannelse har du ogs? mulighed for at videreuddanne dig som forsker, dvs. tage en ph.d.-grad og eventuelt blive ansat som forsker.
Jobeksempler for tidligere humanistiske kandidater:
- Head of Recruitment, Wunderman
- Nordic Publicist, The Walt Disney Company
- Projektmedarbejder, Kulturium Ish?j
- PA & Project specialist, Novo Nordisk Fonden
- Proceschef, Barslund Group
- Karrierekonsulent, HK Danmark
- Projektleder, DR Nyheder
- Kommunikationsr?dgiver
- Studievejleder