Upcoming activities

Fall programme 2024
We continue with the SECO lunch seminar series and in the fall, we offer the following presentations (all days from 12:00-13:00 – hybrid on demand):
October 23rd. Room. 07.1-021
Peter Wilson Leys and Rocio Silva Santisteban. A South American Eco-feminist transition: from hope and alternatives to struggle and resistance in Peru
Oktober 30th. Room 07.1-021.
Kristian J. Sund. Bounded sustainable entrepreneurship: uncertainty, perceptions, and tensions
November 6th. Room 07.1-033.
Line Jespersgaard Jakobsen. Corporate Sovereignty formation in the capitalocene: natural resources, greening investments and subjectivity
November 27th. Room 07.1-033.
Lukas Bogner and guests. Law and Political Economy session
December 11th. Room in 07.1-033.
Margit Neisig. "Project CONSIDERATION – for SMEs not to be excluded by the Twin Transition"
The Green futures seminar series continue in the fall with two new seminars:
October 2nd at 14.45-16.00 (Building 11.2-047) Vasna Ramasar: An African Ecofeminist Just Transition: From Struggle and Resistance to Hope and Alternatives
November 20th 12.15-15.30 (online) Suryamayi Clarance-Smith: Prefiguring Utopia: The Auroville Experiment. Join the meeting here
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Spring programme 2024
August 30th we host the second Networking event on Socio-Economic Research at Roskilde University in collaboration with FAU (Foreningen af Udviklingsforskere). In addition to networking this event will also invite participants to give flash talks.
We welcome proposals for flash talks from researchers at all career stages. If you would like to present your work, please submit a title of your flash talk and an abstract of 200 words to Lone Riisgaard (loner@ruc.dk) and Lars Buur (lbuur@ruc.dk) by August 1st 2024. Please include name, position and affiliation of the presenter(s).
RUC cannot provide funding for travel and accommodation but will provide lunch, drinks and snacks on August 30th.
The event is organised by the Socio-Economic Research Centre (SECO) at RUC.
Please register (both flash talk presenters and other participants) by August 15th at the latest at:
The Green futures seminar series continue in the spring with two new seminars:
April 12. (14:15-15:30) Hubert Buch-Hansen and Lana Nesterova will give a talk on "Inner being and deep transformations: how to achieve the deep transformations that are required if we as people and society are to live in harmony with each other and nature".
In May (exat date and time to be announced), Kenneth Bo Nielsen (University of Oslo) will present insights from the project "Transcendence and Sustainability: Asian Visions with Global Promise".
In the spring, the SECO lunch seminar series offer the following lunch seminar presentations (Hybrid format can be arranged on demand):
31-jan. Alexander Chen: Political-theoretical discussion on whether China is capitalist or socialist and an attempt to explain why the disagreement persists.
The seminar takes place in room 25.2-005 from 12:00 to 13:00.
28-febr. Hanaan Balala: The Role of the Rule of Law in the Socio-Economic Development of Societies
The seminar takes place in room 25.2-005 from 12:00 to 13:00.
13-mar. Kerstin Carlson:Judicializing Non-Repetition: Can a Right Build a State? (Colombia book project
The seminar takes place in room 25.2-005 from 12:00 to 13:00.
03-apr. Malin Nistrand: The role of credit in commercial exchange relations in the rice sector in northern Uganda.
The seminar takes place in room 25.2-005 from 12:15 to 13:15.
24-apr. Milan Babic: Antinomies of the environmental state: The state as market actor in the green transition
The seminar takes place in room 14.2-023 from 12:00 to 13:00.
15-may. Johan Fischer: The Moral Economy of Plant-Based Futures
The seminar takes place in room 14.2-023 from 12:00 to 13:00.