Studiekreds om folket, folkestyre og populisme

Forskerne bag projektet ”I folkets navn” arrangerer studiekredsen "Politics of the Popular" (POP). Vi vil hver uge vil m?des for at diskutere centrale tekster om folket, det folkelige, demokrati og populisme.
Studiekredsen starter onsdag 27. november og best?r af i alt 7 sessioner, der er er ?bne for alle interesserede. Det kr?ver ingen andre foruds?tninger end at man har l?st teksterne (ca. 3 tekster af i alt 60 sider per gang) og har lyst til at pr?ve at forst? og diskutere dem i f?llesskab.
Programmet er inkluderet her under. Hvis du er interesseret i at deltage, har nogle sp?rgsm?l eller problemer med at finde teksterne bedes du kontakte organisatorerne: Allan Dreyer Hansen, Mikkel Flohr og Anders Hovm?ller.
1. Historical and Conceptual Background. Part I.
12:00-15:00 Wednesday 27 November, 2019 (Room 19.1-077):
Crépon, Marc, et al (2014) ’People/Race/Nation’ in Cassin, Barbara (ed.) Dictionary of Untranslatables. United States of America, Princeton University Press. Pp. 751-63.
Laugier, Sandra (2014) ‘People’ in Cassin, Barbara (ed.) Dictionary of Untranslatables. United States of America, Princeton University Press. Pp. 750-51.
Canovan, Margaret (2005) The People. Cambridge, Polity. Pp. 1-39.
2. Historical and Conceptual Background. Part II.
12:00-15:00 Monday 2 December, 2019 (Room 19.1-007):
Kalyvas, Andreas (2013) ‘Constituent Power’ in Ophir, Adi, et al (ed.s) Political Concepts: A Critical Lexicon. Retrieved online [] 03/03/2016. Pp. 1-13.
Bosteels, Bruno (2016) ‘This People which is not one’ in What is a People. New York, NY, Columbia University Press. Pp. 1-20.
Olson, Kevin (2016) ‘Fragile Collectivities, Imagined Sovereignties’ in What is a People. New York, NY, Columbia University Press. Pp. 107-8, 122-132.
3. Contemporary Reflections on the People. Part I.
12:00-15:00 Monday 9 December, 2019 (Room 19.1-077):
Lefort, Claude (1988) ‘The Question of Democracy’ in Democracy and Political Theory. Cambridge, Polity Press. Pp. 9-21.
Laclau, Ernesto (2005) On Populist Reason. London, Verso. Pp. 164–171.
Hallward, Peter (2009) ‘The Will of the People: Notes Towards a Dialectical Voluntarism’ in Radical philosophy (155), pp. 17-29.
Frank, Jason (2017) ‘The People as Popular Manifestation’ Working Paper. Pp. 65-90.
4. Contemporary Reflections on the People. Part II.
12:00-15:00 Monday 16 December, 2019 (Room 19.1-077):
Derrida, Jacques (2002) 'Declarations of Independence' in Negotiations: Interventions and Interviews, 1971-2001. Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press. Pp. 46-54.
Honig, Bonnie (1991) 'Declarations of Independence: Arendt and Derrida on the Problem of Founding a Republic’ in American Political Science Review: 85 (1). Pp. 97–113.
5. Contemporary Debates over Populism. Part I.
12:00-15:00 Monday 6 January, 2019 (Room 19.1-077):
Deiwiks, Christa (2009) ‘Populism’ in Living Reviews in Democracy: 1 (1). Pp. 1-9.
Mudde, Cas (2004) ‘The Populist Zeitgeist’ in Government and Opposition: 39 (4). Pp. 541-63.
Müller, Jan-Werner (2014) ‘”The People must be Extracted from Within the People”: Reflections on Populism’ in Constellations: 21 (4). Pp. 483-93.
Urbinati, Nadia (2019) ‘Political Theory of Populism’ in Annual Review of Politics: 22. Pp. 111-127.
6. Contemporary Debates over Populism. Part II.
12:00-15:00 Monday 20 January, 2020 (Room 26.281):
Laclau, Ernesto (2005) ‘Populism: What’s in a Name?’ in Panizza, Francisco (ed.) Populism and the Mirror of Democracy. London, Verso. Pp 32-49.
Mouffe, Chantal (2018) For a Left Populism. London, Verso. Pp. 9-25.
Hansen, Allan (Forthcoming) ‘Forvr?ngning, tynd ideology eller det politiskes ontologi? Müller, Mudde og Laclau om populisme og demokrati ’ in Agora.
7. Contemporary Debates over Populism. Part III.
12:00-15:00 Wednesday 29 January, 2020 (Room 26.281):
Weyland, Kurt (2017) 'Populism: A Political-Strategic Approach' in Kaltwasser, Cristóbal, et al (ed.s) Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Pp. 48-72.
Ostiguy, Pierre (2017) 'Populism: A Socio-Cultural Approach' in Kaltwasser, Cristóbal, et al (ed.s) Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Pp. 73-97.
Moffitt, Benjamin (2016) ‘Understanding Contemporary Populism: Populism as a Political Style’ in The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style and Representation. Stanford, Stanford University Press. Pp. 28-50.
8. Contemporary Debates over Populism. Part IV.
12:00-15:00 Monday 10 February, 2020 (Room 26.281):
Laclau, Ernesto (2006) ‘Why Constructing a People is the Main Task of Radical Politics’ in Critical Inquiry: 32 (4). Pp. 646-680.
Sotiris, Panagiotis (2019) ‘Is a “Left Populism” Possible?’ in Historical Materialism: 27 (2). Pp. 3-39.