Research news: new publication by network member Kathrin Kirchner

Lippert , I., Kirchner, K., & Wiener, M. (2023). Context Matters: The Use of Algorithmic Management Mechanisms in Platform, Hybrid, and Traditional Work Contexts. In Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 5282-5291)
Emerged from platform organizations, algorithmic management (AM) refers to a data-driven approach in which intelligent algorithms are employed to automate managerial functions. Given its organizational benefits (e.g., efficiency gains), AM is also increasingly used in other work contexts, including traditional organizations (with permanent employees). Against this backdrop, our study investigates what AM mechanisms are used in different organizational work contexts and to what extent, and why, these mechanisms translate to other contexts. We do so by systematically analyzing and synthesizing knowledge from 45 studies. Our results point to seven usage patterns regarding the contextual translatability of AM mechanisms. For example, while we find that some mechanisms are used across contexts but with differing intentions, we also identify several context-specific AM mechanisms that are not (easily) translatable. We conclude by discussing factors that help explain the identified usage patterns (e.g., worker status and skill level) and promising avenues for future research.
The publication is available at this LINK and as downloadable PDF.