Prof. Jon Sundbo will present a paper on professional front personnel and AI as the united service provider at RESER 2022

On the occasion of the 32nd RESER (The European Association for REsearch on SERvices) International Conference, Prof. Jon Sundbo will present the paper titled ‘Professional front personnel and AI as the united service provider’.
About the paper
Introduction of IT in services changes the understanding of service production and delivery. The traditional service theory (e.g. Norman 1983, Gr?nrooos 1990, Lovelock 1984, Sundbo 2002) is based on the personal encounter between the service personnel and the customers. However, IT changes that thus the customer encounters a combination of service personnel and IT. Particularly AI does this (called Augmented Intelligence, AuI, Rouse and Spohrer 2018, Meyer et al. 2020). Service theory thus should be changed (cf. Huang and Rust 2018, Barile at al. 2019). This paper emphasizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) in knowledge services. Service theory must include AI as a part of the service delivery. However, AI and personal service effort can take many different forms from pure personal provision to fully automated self service. The assumption here is that professional knowledge services mostly will take form of a combination of AI and personal effort, AuI (Armour and Sako 2020, Henkel et al. 2020). These theoretical challenges will be discussed and a model with a taxonomy of different combinations of AI and professional knowledge service providers is developed.
RESER (The European Association for REsearch on SERvices) is a network of research groups and individuals active in services research and policy formulation, mainly located in European countries.
The 32nd RESER conference is organized under the theme ‘Looking back to move forward: the past, present, and future of Service Science : The urban services challenge: towards a more inclusive society, A European path for service research.’
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