PandemiX Centers forskningsprojekter

Centrets projekter

PandemiX Centret deltager i en r?kke forskningsprojekter, som er b?de internt og eksternt finansieret, ligesom centrets forskere deltager i projekter i samarbejde med andre forskningsinstitutioner i Danmark og udlandet. Blandt projekterne er:

NORDEMICS:?Pathogens, Pandemics and the Development of Nordic Societies

This project aimes to create a Nordic interdisciplinary consortium dedicated to understanding how factors such as urbanization, increased trade and travel, large-scale migration, vaccines and other public health interventions, climate change and ecological degradation influence the dynamics of epidemic and pandemic infections in human populations. The consortium will systematically study historical health data to understand the patterns of spread and health impact of such diseases in the Nordic countries over the last 300 years.

The Great Leap. Multidisciplinary approaches to health inequalities, 1800-2022

To this day and age, deep-routed, structural inequalities in health have been one of the most consistent and pressing challenges society has faced. Recent events, such as the COVID19 pandemic highlight the urgent need for new research, insights and action to tackle this challenge for future generations. Embracing the COST Mission, the Great Leap takes a unique, multidisciplinary approach from a historical perspective to gain a greater understanding of the roots and drivers of health inequalities across regions and countries in Europe and beyond. 

PandemiX Pathology Collections Webpage

PandemiX Pathology Collections Webpage er et tv?rfagligt projekt, der har til form?l at skabe et centralt onlinekatalog, der viser sj?ldne og mangfoldige historiske patologipr?ver fra forskellige europ?iske institutioner. Ved at digitalisere og bevare disse uvurderlige samlinger s?ger dette projekt at fremh?ve deres enorme videnskabelige og historiske betydning og sikre, at den viden, de indeholder, ikke g?r tabt.