An Overview of the Network’s Members and Researchers’ Profiles

Researchers from Roskilde University
Ada Scupola, professor (mso),
Ada Scupola is a tt备用网址 in Business Studies at the Department of Social Sciences and Business (RUC). Her main research interests are at the intersection between digitalization, innovation and the service sector, and include value (co-) creation, digital transformation, user driven innovation, adoption and diffusion of information and communication technologies (ICT) especially in SMEs. Recently, Ada has become interested in the role of Artificial Intelligence in organizations.
Ada Scupola is also the primary contact for the network.
Lars Fuglsang, professor,
Lars Fuglsang is a tt备用网址 at the Department of Social Sciences and Business (RUC) and the head of the research group on Innovation in Service and Experience. Lars is interested in the impact of innovation, technology, and other forms of change on business and society, with current research focusing on a practice-based understanding of the innovation process.
Jon Sundbo, professor,
Jon Sundbo is tt备用网址 of Business Economics at RUC with a special focus on innovation. His research topics are service business, experience economy, and tourism, as well as organization and management, marketing, IT development, and financial development, among others. Jon has been the initiator of the research group Innovation in Service and Experience at the Department of Social Sciences and Business, and of the crossover Center for Experience and Tourism Research at Roskilde University.
John Damm Scheuer, lektor,
John Damm Scheuer is MSc. in International Business, PhD, and Associate tt备用网址 in the Department of Social Sciences and Business (RUC). His main research interests include translation as a perspective on organizational change and socio-technical (IT-) system design through effects-driven participatory design and learning. John’s research projects focuses upon how abstract innovative ideas are translated into practice in different situations in organizations including when introducing new management,strategy-, policy-, health care or IT-related ideas in organizations. John’s latest IT-related research project focused on learning how to develop an IT-based flow-monitor in a hospital emergency department aimed at monitoring and intervening in the flow of patients through the department to avoid crowding.
External researchers
Anders Henten, professor, Aalborg Universitet,
Anders Henten is a tt备用网址 at the Technical Faculty of IT and Design at Aalborg University, where he has been involved in the development of new educational programs, from the bachelor level to the PhD level. His research interests span digital innovation, IT, mobile and communication technology, service infrastructure, and the crossroads between business and economics, and social sciences.
Kathrin Kirchner, associate professor, DTU,
Kathrin Kirchner is an Associate tt备用网址 at DTU Management and a member of the Implementation and Performance Management research unit. Kathrin’s research comprises knowledge sharing and knowledge work, virtual collaboration and digital platforms. Furthermore, she is interested in flexible working processes and artificial intelligence/data analytics in the company. A recent project investigates the role of algorithmic management on the wellbeing of platform workers. She is co-editor of the International Journal of Workplace Health Management.
Kasper Edwards, senior researcher, DTU,
Kasper Edwards is a senior researcher at DTU focusing on the intersection between performance and work environment. He is engaged in intervention research in health care where he is trying to integrate ergonomics and lean without compromising performance. His research design preference is longitudinal mixed method – with all its joys and perils. He is chair of a Nordic research network on work environment and productivity within health care.
Frans Bevort, associate professor, CBS,
Frans Bévort, PhD is Associate professor at the Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. His research focuses on HRM, professions and management.
A special research interest is the tensions between management as a professional discipline and other disciplines. Other research interests are: comparative HRM (Cranet), Critical HRM studies, HRM and AI and HRM as a professional discipline.
Peter Plougmann, director, Next Step Aps.,
Peter Plougmann is a sociologist (mag.scient.soc) from the University of Copenhagen (1980) and founder and director of New Insight A/S ( 2000-2014, Founder and director of Plougmann-Copenhagen 2015-2021). Founder and director Next Step aps. (2000- ). His career spans positions of centre leader at DTI, director Deliotte Consulting, Associate tt备用网址 at CBS, independent consultant, research manager at the Ministry of Employment and head of section at the Directorate of Employment. In parallel with his employment, he has taught at The University of Copenhagen, CBS, RUC, and AAU.