Hierarchies of Rights: Other publications and grants

Lindsay Whitfield, Ole Therkildsen, Lars Buur and Anne-Mette Kj?r (2017): The Politics of African Industrial Policy, paperback version.
Sulle, E. (2016): Social differentiation and the politics of land: sugarcane outgrowing in Kilombero, Tanzania, Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 43 (3) 517-533
Sulle, E. (2016): Land grabbing and commercialization duality: Insights from Tanzania’s agricultural transformation agenda, Afriche e orienti (Italian Journal on African and Middle Eastern Studies)
Buur, Lars ‘Muddling through’ by way of modelling: Representing complex relationships. / in. Perspectives on politics, production and public administration in Africa: essays in honour of Ole Therkildsen. red. / Lars Buur; Anne Mette Kj?r; Lars Engberg Pedersen. Copenhagen : Institut for Internationale Studier / Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder, 2015. s. 209-227.
Dancer, H. and Sulle E. (2015). Gender implications of agricultural commercialisation: the case of sugarcane production in Kilombero District, Tanzania. Future Agricultures working paper, Brighton
Kj?r, Anne Mette (Eds.); Engberg-Pedersen, Lars (Eds.); Buur, Lars (Eds.). (2015) Perspectives on Politics, Production and Public Administration in Africa: Essays in Honour of Ole Therkildsen. / Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), 2015. 271 s.
Monajne, Celso (2015): Rethinking the Politics of Distribution in Africa: the Case of Mozambique. Newsletter of the African Political Conference Group, Vol. 11, 2015, Pp. 5-6.
Sulle E. (2015). The biofuels boom and bust in Africa: a timely lesson for the New Alliance initiative. Future Agricultures Consortium and PLAAS Policy Brief, Brighton
Sulle, E. and R. Smalley (2015). Study of sugarcane outgrowing at Kilombero: Stakeholder feedback report. Occasional paper, Brighton, Future Agricultures
Buur, Lars (2014): The Development of Natural Resource Linkages in Mozambique: The Ruling Elite Capture of New Economic Opportunities. DIIS Working Paper, 2014:03.
Pedersen, R. H. and L. Buur (2014). "Land, Mobility and Belonging in West Africa by Carola Lentz." Book Reviews. Governance in Africa 1(1): 2-4.
Smalley, R. E. Sulle & L. Malale (2014). The role of the state and foreign capital in agricultural commercialization: the case of sugarcane outgrowers in Kilombero District, Tanzania. Future Agricultures working paper, Brighton
Sulle E. & R. Hall (2014): International and regional guidelines on land governance and land-based investments: An agenda for African states. Future Agricultures Consortium and PLAAS Policy Brief, Brighton
Sulle E. R. Smalley & L. Malale (2014): Opportunities and Challenges in Tanzania’s Sugar Industry: Lessons for SAGCOT and the New Alliance. Future Agricultures Consortium and PLAAS Policy Brief, Brighton
Whitfield, Lindsay and Lars Buur (2014). The Politics of Industrial Policy: Ruling Elites and their Alliances. Third World Quarterly, 35(1): 126-144.
Thabit, Jacob: African Presidential Scholars Fellowship, University of Michigan (2016-2017)
Lars Buur and Padil Salimo, 2016. Lars Buur Team Leader: The political economy of social transfers. World Bank: Washington. US (30.000 USD)
Thabit Jacob shortlisted for the Lionel Cliffe Memorial Research award coordinated by Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE)
Opportuna Kweka travel grant. Nordic Africa Institute: September-November 2016, to travel to Sweden and work with a research cluster on Rural Agrarian Change, Property and Resources:
Rasmus H. Pedersen, Danida-funded project. The Timber Rush: Private Forestry in Village Land, January 4, 2016 - December 31, 2019. Partners: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania, Centre for Sustainable Rural Development, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark and University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Denmark
Professional Development Grant of $2000 in 2015 from the American Political Science Association (APSA).