- Intro
- tt备用网址uddannelser
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- Arrangementer
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- Intro
- Uddannelser 2025-27
- Uddannelser fra 2028
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- Arrangementer
- Studiestart
- Kontakt
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- Nyheder
Intro til uddannelsen

Climate change, security concerns, online disinformation, public health matters - examples are abundant of societal challenges disrespecting national borders and administrative levels. Effective solutions involve international institutions and politics, national as well as local interests and capacities. Agreeing on solutions is both difficult and insufficient and policymakers and other leaders must pay attention to execution, implementation, and evaluation. In short, the world needs experts with skills to operate effectively in the intersection between international politics and public administration. As a student of International Politics and Governance at Roskilde University you become that expert
You will study how international politics impacts governance, how governance impacts politics, and what this means for the ability of international institutions, governments, and other organizations to help address bordercrossing public policy issues. Our research behind the programme is transdisciplinary and so is your learning. In your studies you will draw on knowledge from the fields of international politics, economics, law, public policy, administration, and management. The transdisciplinary approach enables you to navigate the landscape of international affairs and organisations, to understand the economic dimension of policy issues and their solutions, and to become aware of how international agreements, institutions, and regulation work as concrete tools for both policy and politics. Four mandatory courses are specially tuned allowing you to achieve these aims.
We aim for you to become an expert in solving cross-border problems. To this aim, we provide you relevant theories, social science methods (qualitative and quantitative), and analytical strategies. Adhering to Roskilde University’s Problem-oriented Project Learning approach, our approach to teaching is that you play the key role. We expect of you to engage in your class work and participate in discussions, exercises, excursions, and more. Particularly, we expect that you and your teammates independently conduct research-like project work for half of your credits (ECTS). We expect you and your team of fellow students to formulate research questions, decide on research designs, carry out research, and write up final reports which you present and defend at an oral exam.
This way you will learn the explanatory force of theories, strengthen your knowledge of methods, and develop expertise in dissemination of your findings to stakeholders. And don’t worry: all project work is supervised by a member of faculty.
Din hverdag p? studiet
Studying International Politics and Governance you become part of an international environment, in which students and faculty originate from different countries. You have easy access to staff as well as to support if you want to set up an academic or social event. We encourage you to get engaged in your study environment. In addition to being friends, your fellow students are the first links in your professional network.
Much of your student life takes place on campus in Roskilde where you meet for classes and for project work. Your course work requires participation in discussions, exercises, excursions etc. We encourage that you prepare for class in groups. The project work is conducted in teams. You will need to use the beautiful library and you may book a room for team meetings, writing sessions, and supervision. Regularly there are academic events such as presentations or panel discussions.
Karriere og kompetencer
International Politics and Governance makes you an expert in cross-border problem solving. You will acquire analytical, communicative, and project management skills, as well as team leadership, mediator, and problem-solving competencies. Independently, you will be able to:
- Identify pertinent problems in your field or for your organization
- Choose relevant designs and methods and conduct analytical work
- Report findings concisely, effectively, and appropriately orally and in writing
- Prepare basis material for decision making by leaders and policymakers
- Give policy advice
The labour market for experts in border-crossing societal problems and solutions is very diverse. Employers may be private production companies, consultancies, international organisations, national authorities, think tanks, and more. Job titles could be EU and UN negotiator, data analyst, global market advisor, policy advisor, international project coordinator or management consultant.
Folder om uddannelsen
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. Semester | 2. Semester | 3. Semester | 4. Semester |
International Civil Servants and Public Administration 10 ECTS |
International Policy Analysis 10 ECTS |
V?lg A eller B
3. semester variant A Valgkursus Advanced Methodology 5 ECTS Valgkursus Advanced study seminar 10 ECTS Projekt Project in Applied International Politics and Governance 15 ECTS eller 3. semester variant B Praktik Projektorienteret praktik 30 ECTS |
Speciale i International Politics and Governance 30 ECTS |
International Institutions and Politics 10 ECTS |
Advanced Methodology 5 ECTS |
Applied International Policy 15 ECTS |
International Public Economics 10 ECTS |

How can cooperation solve the climate crisis?

Multilevel governance: Impact on the regional level of EU’s ‘Fit for 55’ green deal initiative

Inclusive politics and climate induced migration: The preparedness of local governing bodies

Tech, democracy, and diplomacy: Is democracy challenged and may a tech embassy be an answer?

Accessing the EU’s strategy on civil society involvement in the European policy process

Multilevel governance and the implementation of SDG 9 (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure)

International tax evasion: May IO and NGOs force states to act by raising awareness?

Praktik og udlandsophold
Du kan v?lge at bruge et semester p? at rejse ud med din uddannelse. Enten i praktik hos en af vores partnertt备用网址er eller hos en tt备用网址, som du selv finder frem til. Du afpr?ver dine kompetencer, faglige og processuelle, i et job, f?r v?rdifulde kontakter og bliver klogere p?, om det er en fremtidig karriere for dig. Du kan ogs? v?lge at tage et semesters udveksling p? et partneruniversitet i udlandet, hvor du kan f? internationalt udsyn, erfaring og netv?rk.

Kandidat p? Roskilde Universitet - hvorfor det?
Du bliver en del af et st?rkt fagmilj?, hvor du er t?t p? forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ?nsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt milj? typisk centreret i én bygning p? campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder d?r om d?r. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdeg?ende analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en st?rkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en r?kke kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I l?bet af et semester vil du opstille et v?sentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for l?sningsmulighed(er). Du f?r konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.

Campus Roskilde Universitet
Universitetet er samlet p? ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs s?, vandl?b og marker, tr?ningscenter, innovationsv?rksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores f?lles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. B?de udend?rs og indend?rs arbejder vi med at g?re campus s? b?redygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 ?r og oml?gger til vild natur p? vores udearealer.

Andre kandidatuddannelser - m?ske ogs? noget for dig?
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Pr?v Adgangsguiden: Se hvilke kandidatuddannelser p? Roskilde Universitet, din bachelor giver adgang til.

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