The learning environment at Roskilde University requires you to lead and motivate yourself, and most importantly, to cooperate with others. The close teamwork ensures the foundation for a strong academic network, and the programme provides rich opportunities to organise and attend both academic and social events. Regardless of your background, you will be challenged to broaden your perspective and learn new skills.
Karriere og kompetencer
As a graduate in Business Administration and Leadership you have a wide range of job opportunities in areas like organisational and leadership development, HRM, innovation, change management, CSR, business analysis, project management, finance, accounting, marketing, communication, and business consulting. You can find work at the management levels of both private and public companies, in analytical institutions documenting business developments, and in public authorities regulating business and enterprise issues. The programme also qualifies you to enter a PhD-programme.
Examples of employment include:
- Global Head of Human Resources at Apax, working with recruitment strategies
- Director of Talent Management at GN Group, working with HR
- CEO of Rejsekortet, developing the Copenhagen travel card
- Supply Chain Partner, Novo Nordisk, managing manufacturing processes
- Partner at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC), developing consulting services
- Communications consultant at Mastercard, working with stakeholder communication
F? en dobbeltgrad
Bliv ekspert i international tt备用网址sledelse i et dansk-tysk perspektiv med ”Double master’s degree in Business Administration”, som er et 2-?rigt uddannelsesforl?b, Roskilde Universitet udbyder i samarbejde med Christian Albrechts Universit?t zu Kiel. Studerende fra Virksomhedsledelse og Business Administration and Leadership p? Roskilde Universitet har mulighed for at l?se denne dobbeltgrad.
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