Why study Media and Communication?
Emil W. Damgaard Frost
Head of Business Innovation at Bonnier Publications
Media and Communication offers you the theoretical, methodological, and practical competencies needed to assess the digital devices, platforms, and systems that people use to communicate. It teaches you how to anticipate the possibilities and challenges around people’s mediated engagement and what this means for different organisations and institutions. And it provides you with the professional awareness needed to evaluate the role of media within communication and plan accordingly.
Mastering these crucial understandings of the impacts associated with the digitalisation of contemporary societies enables you to manage and plan for the local conditions and global power dynamics that influence mediated communication practices. These competencies can be applied across different national and cultural contexts, providing a critical perspective on global developments in media technology, datafication, and platform societies. The programme enables you to hone these competences in two crucial areas: corporate and global communication.
In the programme's second semester, you can specialise in Corporate Communication or Global Communication.
The third semester gives you an opportunity for mobility. Either take a full semester internship with one of our partner organisations or one you find yourself. Alternatively, use the opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner universities, to gain valuable international experience.
The master's programme qualifies you for jobs that demand an ability to understand the impact of digitalisation and datafication on communication. Upon graduation, you will be able to plan, implement, analyse, and manage mediated communication efforts in a variety of organisations. Employers range from start-ups and SMEs to governmental institutions, NGOs, and international corporations. As such, you will be qualified for a range of media and communication-focused jobs, where the ability to systematically evaluate people’s uses and experiences of media technologies – as consumers, citizens, or publics – and assess the associated media strategies are needed.
Media and Communication enables you to pursue a number of different career paths, for example:
P? 2. semester former du selv din uddannelse ved at specialisere dig inden for:
How do organisations – public, private, and civil society – use strategic communication, reputation, and stakeholder management to shape their mediated communication activities? You will get an advanced understanding of these core aspects of organisational communication.
How do possibilities and challenges around civic participation, public outreach, and intercultural relations impact communication practices in an interconnected world? You will get the key competences to implement digital communication initiatives alert to complex issues around inclusion, diversity, empowerment, and equity.
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Digital Media Theory 10 ECTS |
Communication Strategy and Management 10 ECTS |
V?lg a, b eller c
a) Projektorienteret praktikforl?b b) Valgkurser c) Udveksling 30 ECTS |
Speciale i Media and Communication 30 ECTS |
Methods in Media and Communication Research 10 ECTS |
Corporate Communication: Reputation and Stakeholders 20 ECTS |
Media Platforms and Communication Practices 10 ECTS |
1. ?r | 2. ?r | ||
1. semester | 2. semester | 3. semester | 4. semester |
Digital Media Theory 10 ECTS |
Communicating Diversity and Inclusion 10 ECTS |
V?lg a, b eller c
a) Projektorienteret praktikforl?b b) Valgkurser c) Udveksling 30 ECTS |
Speciale i Media and Communication 30 ECTS |
Methods in Media and Communication Research 10 ECTS |
Global Communication: Equity and Ethics 20 ECTS |
Media Platforms and Communication Practices 10 ECTS |
Emil W. Damgaard Frost
Head of Business Innovation at Bonnier Publications
P? 3. semester har du mulighed for at komme i praktik hos en af vores praktikpartnere eller i en tt备用网址, du selv v?lger. Praktikforl?bet kan ses som en del af din kommunikationsfaglige specialisering, hvor du udvikler din kommunikationsfaglighed ved at arbejde med fagets teorier og metoder i praksis. Vi opfatter praktikforl?bet som en vigtig del af den l?ring, du kan tilegne dig som Media and Communication-studerende, og vi arbejder systematisk med at indg? praktikkontrakter, hvor b?de du som studerende og arbejdspladsen opstiller m?l for forl?bet. Som studerende har du m?der undervejs i praktikforl?bet, hvor din vejleder fra Kommunikation bes?ger tt备用网址en, og hvor I sammen f?lger op p? dine l?ringsm?l.
Et praktikforl?b bygger bro til dit arbejdsliv efter uddannelsen, fordi du f?r konkret erfaring og et professionelt netv?rk. Mange af vores studerende ender med at blive tilbudt ans?ttelse i forl?ngelse af praktikforl?bet.
Du kan ogs? v?lge at tage p? udveksling til et udenlandsk universitet og f? v?rdifuld erfaring og internationalt udsyn i din kommunikationsuddannelse. Vores partneruniversiteter inkluderer eksempelvis University of Leeds, Freie Universit?t Berlin, Universitat de Barcelona, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Universitetet i Oslo, RMIT University Melbourne, Chung-Ang University Seoul.
tt备用网址 om Roskilde Universitets internationale udvekslingspartnere
Du bliver en del af et st?rkt fagmilj?, hvor du er t?t p? forskerne, i dialog om alt fra faglige problemstillinger, mulige metoder og teorier, veje til at skabe nye indsigter og dine ?nsker til faglig retning for din kandidatuddannelse. Du bliver en del af et socialt milj? typisk centreret i én bygning p? campus, hvor forskere og studerende arbejder d?r om d?r. Du kommer til at studere inden for universitetets projektform, hvor identifikation af en problemstilling, dybdeg?ende analyser, valg og implementering af metodisk tilgang, samt opstilling af en st?rkt teoretisk ramme er dit ansvar under faglig vejledning fra en forsker. Du kommer til at deltage i en r?kke kurser, som udvider dine metodiske og teoretiske viden. I l?bet af et semester vil du opstille et v?sentligt problem inden for dit fag og udvikle viden til at fremstille videnskabelige argumenter for l?sningsmulighed(er). Du f?r konkret erfaring med den hele videnskabelige proces.
Universitetet er samlet p? ét campus. Her er multibaner, fodboldbane, discgolf-bane, naturstier langs s?, vandl?b og marker, tr?ningscenter, innovationsv?rksteder, kantine og biograf. Vores f?lles samlingssted hedder StudenterHuset RUC, hvor der er studenterdrevet café og lounge. B?de udend?rs og indend?rs arbejder vi med at g?re campus s? b?redygtigt som muligt. Vi har blandt andet nedsat energiforbruget med 38 procent over de sidste 5 ?r og oml?gger til vild natur p? vores udearealer.
Pr?v Adgangsguiden: Se hvilke kandidatuddannelser p? Roskilde Universitet, din bachelor giver adgang til.
Kontakt os, hvis du har brug for sparring om valg af studie, mere viden om indholdet af en uddannelse, eller om ans?gning og optagelse p? Roskilde Universitet.
Se om der er aktuelle arrangementer, som kunne v?re noget for dig. Deltag fx i ?bent hus, se campus og m?d undervisere og studerende.