Forskningscenter > PandemiX Center > Arrangement

Disease X Seminar: Mpox – Danish, European and Global Implications

PandemiX and the SSI invite academics and health authorities to join them for a full-day seminar dedicated to understanding the ongoing Mpox threat, focusing on the implications for public health globally and preventive options.
Start:kl. 09.15
Slut:kl. 16.15
Sted: Statens Serum Institut, Artillerivej 5, 2300 K?benhavn S


With the Mpox situation in Africa declared a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization, PandemiX and SSI invites academics and health authorities to join them for a full-day seminar dedicated to discussing Mpox epidemiology and control options.

The seminar aims to especially focus on the situation around the emerging new clade 1b, which is now spreading in heterosexual networks and among children in DRC, Burundi and other African nations. Infected travelers outside Africa have been reported and a recent study found evidence of sexually transmitted Mpox in India and Pakistan. Do we now have sustained spread in heterosexual networks? How does it transmit among children?

Is the smallpox vaccine given before 1980 still providing protection? What are the implications of the WHO declaring a PHEIC? What is the current availability of vaccines and best strategic use in Africa and globally.

Join us as academics and health authorities share knowledge and work together to understand the Mpox challenge. This is the first meeting in a series of seminars in which academia and health authorities in Denmark will join forces to address ongoing “Disease X” threats.  An outcome of the meeting will be a joint report on the situation and best public health response, from a Danish and international perspective.