Book launch and reception: Living Apart Together Transnationally (LATT) Couples

Book launch of Living Apart Together Transnationally (LATT) Couples: Promoting Mental Health & Intimacy by Rashmi Singla, Associate tt备用网址.
Start:kl. 13.15
Slut:kl. 15.30
Sted: Auditorium B (03.1-S21), Building 3, Roskilde University, Denmark
Book Living Apart Together Transnationally (LATT) Couples.

Department of People & Technology & Centre for gender power and diversity (CKMM) invite you to join launching the book & participate interactively, followed by a reception: Friday, 23 August, 2024 at 13.15 - 15.30 hours, Auditorium B (03.1-S21), Building 3, Roskilde University, Denmark

About the book

Living under the same roof and sharing geographical proximity is often considered a defining feature of intimate couples, challenged by the empirical study in the book through exploring long distance relations, couples living apart together across nations.

Click for the book details and participation registration (last date 17.8.2024).