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Research centres at Roskilde University

Centre for Action Research and Democratical Societal Change

The Centre connects researchers, practitioners and students working with action research seeking to strengthen democratic societal change.

Socio-Economic Research Centre (SECO)

The centre is an interdisciplinary research centre within the Department of Social Sciences and Business. Scholars associated with the centre research and publish on contemporary economic dynamics.

The Danish Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care

The centre’s research activities focus on everyday life and educational and caring (pedagogical) practices in child care centres such as nurseries, kindergartens and age-integrated institutions for children 0-6 years of age.

Centre for Digital Citizenship

The Centre for Digital Citizenship investigates the social and political consequences of current developments in digital media technologies – smartphones, social media, algorithms, data, and beyond – and asks how these technologies shape individuals, citizens, collectives, and publics.

Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions

The Centre for Frustrated Molecular Interactions (FRUSTMI) is a cross-disciplinary intradepartmental research collaboration focused on the use of x-ray, neutron and light scattering to understand the structure and dynamics of self-assembly in soft matter and biology.

Glass and Time

The research centre Glass and Time works with theoretical and experimental basic research in physics with particular emphasis on soft materials and viscous liquid dynamics.

Centre for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease

The goal of the Centre for Mathematical Modeling - Human Health and Disease (COMMAND) is to develop mathematical models to enhance understanding of human health and diseases. The methodology of mathematical modeling of human health and diseases is capable of improve diagnosis and treatments for the benefit of patients and society.

Centre for Organisational Psychology (COP)

The research centre works through research, education, dissemination and consultation to develop and communicate knowledge, theory and understanding of organisational psychology for individuals, groups and organizations.


Over the past 40+ years, Roskilde University has been committed to problem-oriented project-based learning (PPL). The research centre RUC-PPL is devoted to supporting and disseminating research on PPL as learning theory, situated practice, policy, educational history and philosophy, and how to measure its effects and learning outcomes.

Centre for Tourism Research (CFTR)

The centre builds knowledge about tourism and the various branches of the experience economy. The research centre is multi-disciplinary, and combines approaches from within Humanities, Social Sciences and Technical and Natural Sciences.

Centre for Research on Public-Private Collaboration

A network-organized centre focusing in particular on evaluating the experience and effects of specific forms of public-private interaction such as contracting out, public-private partnerships, privatization, public procurement and public-private innovation.

Centre for Arctic Studies at Roskilde University

The Centre focuses on developing a practice-oriented, interdisciplinary and engaged research that can play a key role in addressing challenges in the modern Greenlandic society as well as in other parts of the Arctic region.

VELNET- The Danish National Network for Welfare State Studies

VELNET aims to contribute to the development of empirical and theoretical analysis of welfare states, with particular focus on the Nordic welfare model, and to disseminate this knowledge.

Centre for Maritime and Marine Research

Centre for Maritime and Marine Research is an interdisciplinary research center focusing on research and solutions for the maritime and marine area. The centre not only focusses on research in the area but also on outreach creating a link between students and researchers and the maritime and marine area.

Centre for Gender, Power and Diversity

We conduct interdisciplinary problem-oriented gender studies within a diversity perspective. The research centre is a meeting place for students, researchers and practitioners who are interested in interdisciplinary problem-oriented gender studies.

PandemiX Center

Using contemporary health registries and historical data sources, The PandemiX Center combines data analysis and interdisciplinary expertise to gain new understanding of pandemics.

Centre for Statecraft and International Order

The goal of the centre is to produce excellent historically-informed research on questions related to the conduct and decision-making of international practitioners as they attempt to navigate an increasingly complex and changing international order. Ultimately, the ambition is to contribute to society by drawing on past historical experience to inform current policy-making in the international sphere.

Centre for News Research

The Centre for News Research conducts practice-oriented news research. The purpose is to build bridges between journalistic and academic activities and to promote greater collaboration between the university and the media industry.

Center for Interdisciplinary Plastic Research (CIPR)

CIPR is a pioneering hub for interdisciplinary research, focusing on five core areas: Environmental monitoring and fate; circular economy; citizen science; effects on human health and the environment; and science-to-policy and regulation, all in the realm of plastics. Under these, CIPR aims to foster national and international collaboration and synergy among experts from diverse disciplines to conduct cutting-edge research.

Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State (CELFS)

CELFS brings together national and international research communities that focus on the relationship between everyday family life and the welfare state. Different strands of research contribute insight into the topic, but the different disciplines tend to approach family life and welfare policies as somewhat isolated phenomena. CELFS will bring together various disciplines to explore how welfare policies and family life interface while maintaining a focus on both the subjective and the institutional aspects.

Research centres with Danish information only

Center for Arbejdslivsforskning

Centret laver tv?rvidenskabelig forskning og formidling om arbejdsmilj?, arbejdsliv og l?ring i organisationer.