About the research centre
The centre works predominantly from a psycho-dynamic, system-theoretical frame of understanding, with particular focus on the role that emotions and both conscious and unconscious motivations and processes play for the performance of tasks. The centre is interested in producing general knowledge about organisational psychology at an international level and also in becoming a useful actor for Danish organisations, thereby contributing to more effective performance of tasks and less stress and mental strain in organisations. The centre's research forms a basis for the master's degree programme in organisational psychology.
The Centre for Organisational Psychology is working to become an active participant in Danish and international organisational life, through research, dissemination and teaching in psycho-dynamic organisational psychology as a special focus.
The Centre for Organisational Psychology conducts research in management, communication and collaboration, with particular focus on issues in organisational psychology.
We teach and participate in the education of PhD students and we collaborate in research projects with organisational psychologists and organisational consultants.
The centre's researchers and teachers deal with a broad range of organisations' lives and challenges, such as the management of employees and managers, working environment issues, conflict resolution, creativity and innovation, experience-based learning, teams and organisational culture, primarily from a psycho-dynamic perspective.
Examples of the centre's research projects:
Management efficiency and personality factors
Self-governing groups in industry
Ambulance drivers' working environment
Management in public sector organizations
Good patient communication in practice
Communication advice in the hospital service
'The knowing-doing gap' - why do we not always do the right thing, when we know what it is?