Strategy RUC 2030: Interconnected
What is the purpose of Roskilde University?
Research and education are Roskilde University's most important contributions to a sustainable development of society. The development requires a high level of mobilisation and partnership. Due to our history and experience with collaboration and co-creation Roskilde University has an important role to play.
Therefore, over the next ten years, we will lift our responsibility and commitment to being the 'university in the real world' by sharpening and further developing an infrastructure that supports sustainable development, where research, education and collaboration work closely together.

Roskilde University moves society forward through cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, teaching and learning.
Roskilde University will be a European front-runner in interdisciplinary knowledge creation that is locally embedded and globally connected, and will be known for its contribution to research-based sustainable change.
Why "Interconnected"
The world is connected. And contributing to a sustainable future requires that we understand the contexts in the world as well as take part in them. Roskilde University will contribute to this by being an open network of knowledge with pioneering interdisciplinary research as the catalyst.
We strengthen our research and our study programmes by connecting the social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, technology and health sciences, thereby challenging academic boundaries. Because when we push the boundaries of what we know, build bridges and develop relationships, we create coherence and progress in a complex world.
Headlines and Benchmarks of the Strategy
The strategy has four main headings, unfolding in a series of benchmarks that are mutually dependent and affect each other.
Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research
- Roskilde University conducts cutting-edge research at the highest international level, and the aim is to develop a distinct interdisciplinary profile based on the social sciences and humanities combined with key contributions from natural, technical and health science.
- Roskilde University's research is excellent, challenge-driven, and contributes to development and change in close interaction with the surrounding community: locally, nationally, and internationally.
- The societal impact of Roskilde University's research shall always build on fundamental principles of freedom of research, research integrity and open science.
- Roskilde University shall be an international hub for critical interdisciplinary research.
- Roskilde University shall offer coherent time for research, well-functioning research organisation and robust administrative research support.
Problem-oriented and problem-led programs
- Roskilde University's study programs provide students with broad interdisciplinary knowledge and methodological competencies within our main academic areas, with particular focus on digital, ethical and democratic citizenship.
- Roskilde University's aim is that all study programs stimulate intense interdisciplinary engagement; students and researchers work together to put the research and its methods into play.
- Roskilde University's aim is to attract committed Danish and international students, motivated by developing a sustainable future. All supervisors master and develop Roskilde University's pedagogical model, Problem-oriented Project Learning (PPL), so that students can apply this approach in their studies and professional academic work.
- Roskilde University's aim is to offer continuing and further education in collaboration with the labour market.
Environmental, economic and social sustainability
- Roskilde University shall be a pioneering university for sustainable institutional and campus operations: economic, social and environmental considerations are always part of the university's long-term priorities.
- Roskilde University's campus is a vibrant research, study and work environment where students, employees, alumni and external partners thrive and can combine their academic strengths and interests.
- Roskilde University must ensure real equality and diversity, in interaction and cooperation, and in recruitment and retention of both staff and students.
Co-creators of societal change
- Roskilde University's researchers and research communities contribute to societal change and the development of the role of universities in society through research dissemination, open innovation and citizen science.
- Roskilde University's graduates are academically sound agents of change and competent project managers who are capable of applying their knowledge and competences in their jobs, and as entrepreneurs and opinion leaders
- Roskilde University's community of faculty and staff foster collaboration in research and education, international alliances and in local and regional partnerships.
Roskilde University’s strategy 2030 as a tool for dialogue
Roskilde University’s strategy is both a goal, a guideline and a concrete tool. Our ambition is that the strategy can be a starting point for ongoing dialogue and prioritisation.
Therefore, we present the strategy as a tool for dialogue that can contribute to clarify the connections between projects across Roskilde University, and how these projects connect with the university's common objective.