Step 4: Application fee and tuition fees
This step only applies to non-EU/EEA citizens.
If you are from an EU country, an EEA country or Switzerland, you are not required to pay the application fee or tuition fees.
The United Kingdom’s (UK) decision to leave the EU means that, as of 31 January 2020, the UK is no longer an EU Member State. According to the Withdrawal Agreement UK citizens residing in Denmark before 31 December 2020 are allowed to begin a higher education as if you were still an EU citizen.
Application Fee
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen, you must pay the application fee in order to have your application for admission processed - unless you fulfil one of the exemptions mentioned below.
Exemptions for non-EU/EEA citizens from paying the application fee
If you hold one of the following Danish entry examinations, you are not required to pay the application fee:
- STX, HHX, HTX, HF, GIF, Exam from 'Duborg-skolen'
- Faroese upper secondary school leaving examination
- Greenland upper secondary education (GU examination)
Please note: If you also hold an entry qualification completed outside of Denmark, you are not exempt from paying the application fee.
If you hold one of the following types of Danish residence permits, you are not required to pay the application fee:
- A permanent residence permit in Denmark ('Permanent opholdstilladelse')
- A temporary residence permit with the possibility of a permanent residence in Denmark ("Opholdstilladelse med mulighed for varigt ophold"). Your residence card must state: 'mhp. varigt ophold' or 'mmf varigt ophold'.
- A residence permit in Denmark according to the EU/EEA regulations (Opholdstilladelse jf. EF/E?S bekendtg?relsen)
- Children of workers from non-EU/EEA countries having been granted a residence permit pursuant to Section 9M (previously 9C) of the Danish Aliens Act and whose parents have been granted residence permits pursuant to Section 9A of the Danish Aliens Act.
- Temporary residence permit pursuant to section 7(1) and section 8(1) (convention refugees) or section 7(2) and section 8(2) (foreigners with protection status) of the Danish Aliens Act
- Temporary residence permit pursuant to section 9(1) or 9c (1) of the Danish Aliens Act based on a familial relationship to a foreigner with a residence permit pursuant to section 7(1) or (2) or section 8(1) or (2) of the Danish Aliens Act
- As of 1 July 2020, temporary residence permit as refugees based on §7, (3) of the Danish Aliens Act or temporary residence permit based on a familial relationship to a foreigner with a residence permit pursuant to section 7(3) of the Danish Aliens Act
Your residence permit must be valid on 15 March to exempt you from paying the application fee.
If you hold any of the above mentioned types of Danish residence permits you must document it by uploading all pages of the residence letter. It is not enough to upload a copy of the residence card. If you are not in a position of your residence letter, please contact SIRI.
How to pay the application fee
The application fee is 200 EUR (1.490 DKK) per applicant.
Please note that your application will not be processed until we have been able to confirm the receipt of your payment.
The amount should be transferred to:
Danske Bank – St?ndertorvet 5 – 4000 Roskilde - Denmark
Registration No. 4319 Account No. 3429 684579
IBAN: DK21 3000 3429 6845 79
Beneficiary: Roskilde University
Payment reference: Applicant's full name.
Payment deadline: 15 March 12 noon (CET)
Do I get a refund of the application fee?
The application fee will only be refunded, if you are admitted to the university and start on the programme you have been admitted to, i.e. you are registered as an active student as of September 1 in the year of admission. The application fee will not be refunded under any other circumstances.
If you are entitled to get a refund of the application fee, you will receive this refund during the first semester.
Tuition fees for non-EU/EEA citizens
The tuition fees stated below apply under the condition that the programme is completed in the time prescribed and that the tuition fee rate does not change during your study period. If there are any changes to the tuition fee rate, they will be announced on this webpage. It is therefore your responsibility to keep yourself updated concerning any changes to the tuition fees rates and check this webpage regularly.
Please read the Terms of Payment, which also include an overview of the types of Danish residence permits that exempt non-EU/EEA citizens from paying tuition fees.
Tuition fee rates
Fees for tt备用网址 in Global Humanities
- Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 4,450 Euro
- Fee per year (60 ECTS): 8,900 Euro
- Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 26,700 Euro
Fees for International tt备用网址 in Social Sciences
- Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 4,450 Euro
- Fee per year (60 ECTS): 8,900 Euro
- Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 26,700 Euro
Fees for International tt备用网址 in Natural Sciences- Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 7,000 Euro
- Fee per year (60 ECTS): 14,000 Euro
- Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 42,000 Euro
Fees for tt备用网址 in Global Humanities
? Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 4,350 Euro
? Fee per year (60 ECTS): 8,700 Euro
? Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 26,100 Euro
Fees for International tt备用网址 in Social Sciences? Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 4,350 Euro
? Fee per year (60 ECTS): 8,700 Euro
? Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 26,100 Euro
Fees for International tt备用网址 in Natural Sciences? Fee per semester (30 ECTS): 9,000 Euro
? Fee per year (60 ECTS): 18,000 Euro
? Fee for full education (180 ECTS): 54,000 Euro