Research Centre Centre for Research on Problem-oriented Project Learning
RUC-PPL is an interdisciplinary research centre focused on problem-oriented project learning (PPL), inquiry- and problem-based educational approaches, pedagogical philosophy, university pedagogy, practice, policy, and history. The centre was established in 2018 and brings together researchers and research interests across RUC's departments.
Current research interests include problem- and inquiry-based university pedagogy: concepts, theories, practices, curriculum design; PPL and digital (learning) technologies; group work and collaborative learning in universities; critical and transformative university pedagogy in theory and practice; Higher Education policy and practice.
The aim of RUC-PPL is to contribute to the understanding, development, and critique of Roskilde University’s pedagogy and educational profile, as well as to relevant and related international university pedagogical research. The research centre conducts independent research driven by its members' interests and offers a research community for externally funded projects and researchers, including periodically affiliated external researchers.

Director: tt备用网址 Eva Bendix Petersen,
Deputy director: tt备用网址 Jakob Egholm Feldt,
Administrator: Signe Berri,
RUC-PPL is engaged in a number of research project:Selected keyprojects
The Genealogy of Problem-oriented Project Learning and Current Challenges to Student Learning
Measuring the Effects of Problem-oriented Project Learning
Scientific Literacy and Problem-oriented Project Learning
Hvordan l?ser vi p? humaniora? (In Danish)
You will find a list of all projects at the Centre webpage at Roskilde University Research Portal
Academic citizenship and a world in crisis
Carney, S., 2024, In: Journal of Praxis in Higher Education . 6, 2, p. 23-33 11 p.Research output: Contribution to journal ? Journal article ? Research ? peer-review
Academic citizenship in times of transition
Sarauw, L. L., Feldt, J. E., Smedegaard Ernst Bengtsen, S., Petersen, E. B., Wright, S. & Horbach, S. P. J., 8 Apr 2024, p. 1. 1 p.Research output: Contribution to conference ? Conference abstract for conference ? Research ? peer-review
Concrete Concepts: The Logic of Problems in Post-Hegelian French Philosophies
Ploug, A. C., Feb 2024, Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet. 339 p.Research output: Book/Report ? Ph.D. thesis
Guest lecture: Den psykologiske vending p? universiteterne
Sarauw, L. L. (Speaker)
14 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation ? Lecture and oral contribution
Louisa Dawes
Andersen, J. (Host), Warren, S. (Host), Larsen, M. T. (Host), Andersen, A. S. (Host) & Carney, S. (Host)
4 Nov 2024 → 7 Nov 2024Activity: Hosting a visitor ? Hosting an academic visitor
CHEF working group on Democracy and Citizenship (External organisation)
Sarauw, L. L. (Member)
1 Nov 2024 → …Activity: Membership ? Membership in committee, council, board
80 ?r efter befrielsen af Auschwitz trues mindet om holocaust af ideologisk kamp
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Academic Citizenship in Times of Transition
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Studenteropr?r har skiftet fokus fra kapitalisme til kolonialisme
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media

Base at Roskilde University
RUC PPL is an interdisciplinary centre with roots in all RUC's departments: Department overview
Problem-oriented project learning (PPL) is the pedagogical model at Roskilde University. PPL is the basis for all the university programmes - bachelor's, master's and exchange programmes and for our PhD schools.
Continuing education: Unit of Academic Development (EAE)
Research from Roskilde University

More information
Find additional information about Centre for Research on Problem-Oriented Project Learning:

Eva Bendix Petersen
tt备用网址 // director
+45 4674 2536 / +45 6195 1125
Jakob Egholm Feldt
tt备用网址 // deputy director
+45 4674 3331 / +45 5132 5499
Signe Berri
+45 4674 2692