Research Centre Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State
Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State (CELFS) brings together national and international research communities that focus on the relationship between everyday family life and the welfare state. Different strands of research contribute insight into the topic, but the different disciplines tend to approach family life and welfare policies as somewhat isolated phenomena. CELFS will bring together various disciplines to explore how welfare policies and family life interface while maintaining a focus on both the subjective and the institutional aspects.
Everyday family life as a key
The center is a result of recent years’ collaboration between the Danish research environments and international scholars who approach everyday life as a key to explore parents’ perspectives on family life. Children and parents’ everyday life contexts are part of cultural, historical, and social practices in society and thus regulated by welfare policies and agendas. Political goals to prevent marginalization and inequality by promoting early learning in family and day care contexts is one example of how policies interweave everyday life. The center facilitates explorations of the life conditions of children and parents. This requires considering children and parents’ perspectives when studying their struggles and adversities and analyzing how welfare policies and interventions entail various meanings for the everyday life of families in different situations and diverse circumstances. This is important since there is a significant emphasis on developing interventions for families and less focus on the situations in which these interventions are supposed to work.
As a primary strategic area, CELFS focuses on early childhood interventions. The Sapere Aude project “(Re)configuration of parenthood” takes early childhood interventions targeting families as the basis for studying changing conditions for parenthood. The project is led by associate professor Pernille Juhl and funded by the Independent Research fund Denmark.
Among others, the center includes researchers from Roskilde University: Associate professor Pernille Juhl (head of center), tt备用网址 Hanne Warming, associate professor Allan Westerling, postdoc Sarah Alminde, assistant professor Asta Breinholt, PhD fellow Simone Stegeager and PhD fellow L?rke Lyndelse. In addition, researchers from Aarhus University, University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, and VIVE are affiliated with the center, along with international researchers from OsloMet, Kent University, and UCL.”

Pernille Juhl, Head of center, associate professor,
Researchers form Roskilde University
Researchers at Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State
External researchersAssociate professor Dorte Kousholt, DPU, Aarhus University
Associate professor Noomi Christine Linde Matthiesen, Aalborg University
Associate professor Stine Thidemann Faber, Aalborg University
Postdoc Anne Hovgaard J?rgensen, Aalborg University
tt备用网址 Mads Meier J?ger, University of Copenhagen
tt备用网址 Jens-Peter Thomsen, VIVE
Docent Sine Penthin Gruml?se, Professionsh?jskolen Absalon
Associate professor Kari Sj?helle Jevne, Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University
tt备用网址 Ellie Lee, SSPSSR, Director, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, University of Kent
Researchers at Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State participate in a number of researchs projects. Among them are: (in Danish)
Associate tt备用网址 Stine Faber is currently leading the PARENT project, which explores how the conditions for parenthood in contemporary society are shaped by political agendas, institutional contexts and subjective aspects. Among other things, this project focuses on how a ‘therapeutic ethos’ in contemporary societies has developed a strong cultural resonance. This contributes to different groups of parents being guided to act in certain ways and encouraged to work with their own emotions and attachment patterns.
Project participant: Associate professor Stine Thidemann Faber, Aalborg University and Postdoc Anne Hovgaard J?rgensen, Aalborg University
(Re)configuration of parenthoodThe project takes early childhood interventions targeting families as the basis for studying changing conditions for parenthood. In recent years, early intervention policies have been launched as a means to reduce inequality among children. An overriding strategy in fighting inequality has emerged in policies supporting children's home learning environment (HLE). Intervening in HLE involves instructing parents to engage their children in learning activities suitable for stimulating early numeracy and literacy. However, despite the considerable research focus on developing the content of HLE programs, no attention is given to what it means for the family context. This is problematic since interventions often result in consequences beyond their intended aim. Using a multi-method design involving three interconnected empirical studies, this project will study how learning agendas in interventions aimed at enhancing children’s HLE contribute to the (re)configuration parenthood.
Project participant: Associate professor Pernille Juhl, Roskilde University and Associate professor Allan Westerling, Roskilde University
Find more research projects at the Roskilde University Research Portal -
In October 2024, the center hosted an international workshop titled “Welfare policies and the everyday life of families,” funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. In addition to leading researchers from various fields, many postdoctoral researchers and Ph.D. students participated in the workshop, presenting and discussing their ongoing research on the relationship between family everyday life and welfare policies.
One of the Ph.D. students who participated was Laura Lawaetz from the University of Copenhagen, researching the collaboration between family and daycare institutions. Laura says that "I gained a lot from participating. Especially a greater understanding of the various theoretical disciplines' different approaches to scientific work with families in the welfare state. I became aware of my own scientific and critical standpoint. This awareness is important for understanding how others might potentially perceive my work and can help me to nuance the communication of my project moving forward."
The workshop thus provided younger researchers with a unique opportunity to learn how their own research contributes to an international and interdisciplinary field.
Alminde, S., 31 Jan 2025, Hjemmeunger. Storm, M. (ed.). MuusmanResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding ? Book chapter ? Communication
Alt for mange b?rn f?ler sig ikke h?rt: Hvilken pris betaler vi?
Alminde, S., Mai, A.-M., Vad J?nsson, H., Vallg?rda, K., Petersen, K., Olsen, N. & Andersen Nex?, T., 30 Oct 2024, Valby : output: Other contribution ? Net publication - Internet publication ? Communication
Children’s Wellbeing and Children’s Rights: A Nordic Perspective
Alminde, S. & Warming, H., 13 Aug 2024, In: Social Sciences. 13, 8, 4 p., 426.Research output: Contribution to journal ? Journal article ? Research
University College London
Juhl, P. (Visiting researcher)
1 Jan 2025 → 31 Jul 2025Activity: Visiting an external institution ? Visiting an external academic institution
Mandatory Learning Program – An offer you cannot refuse
Juhl, P. (Speaker)
22 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation ? Lecture and oral contribution
Welfare policies and the everyday life of families
Westerling, A. (Participant)
22 Oct 2024 → 23 Oct 2024Activity: Participating in or organising an event ? Participation in workshop, seminar, course
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1 item of Media coverage
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Kritik af Danmarks f?rste krisecenter for b?rn peger p? et af tidens store opg?r
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Kernefamilien giver b?rn en bedre chance i livet
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media

Base at Roskilde University
The research centre is based at Department og People and Technology
Related research units: The Danish Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care
PhD programme: Doctoral School of People and Technology
Uddannelser og fag: Socialpsykologi og L?ring (DK) // Sociale Invervention (DK) // Socialvidenskab (DK) // Tv?rfaglige Sundhedsstudier (DK) // Humanistisk-Teknologisk tt备用网址 (DK) // tt备用网址 in Global Humanities // International tt备用网址 in Social Sciences
Esearch from Roskilde University

More about the centre
Additional information about the Center for Everyday Life of Families in the Welfare State:
The research centre at the Roskilde University Research Portal

Head of centre
Pernille Juhl
Associate professor
Phone: +45 4674 3389