tt备用网址 Jeppe Dyre has received a grant of DKK 39.9 million for the six-year project 'Matter'. The project period runs from 2017-2023. The grant was awarded by the VILLUM FOUNDATION, via the fund's 'VILLUM Investigator' programme.
The goal of the Glass and Time Research Centre is to enhance understanding of the physical properties of viscous liquids
Glass is formed from a liquid that becomes more and more viscous as it cools. All liquids can form a glass if they cool quickly enough to avoid crystallization. The research conducted by Glass and Time is purely basic research that focuses on acquiring an increased understanding of the properties of viscous liquids before they solidify into glass. In this way, the Centre’s research can also secure a better understanding of the properties of various glasses, as we already know that these properties are inherited from the liquid.
The liquids we have studied are not glass as we know it from windows or drinking glasses – they are simple organic liquids such as glycerine, which, when abruptly cooled to far below room temperature, acquire a glass form. By studying such model systems, it is hoped that the Glass and Time Research Centre will be able to uncover general laws of nature that apply to all liquids and glasses.
The research conducted at the Glass and Time Research Centre is therefore more about viscous liquids than about glass. On the basis of studies of simple organic liquids, and using new measurement methods, we have put forward theories for the dynamics of viscous liquids. A common characteristic is the idea that the physics of viscous liquids may be simpler than was previously thought.
The primary purpose of the Research Centre is to investigate the validity of these theories for new classes of viscous liquids – including under high pressure. An absolutely central aspect of the Centre’s research is to perform comprehensive simulations of so-called computer fluids. A secondary purpose is to develop measurement methods that will for the first time make it possible to measure a complete set of so-called thermo-viscoelastic response functions. A more recent perspective is to be able to describe in general how and why the physical properties of materials change over the years. Through this research, we aim to provide a better basis for understanding how all materials age over time. Just think of how plastic rulers contract slightly over the years!
Examples of viscous liquids are polymer melts, silicates, ion melts, highly cooled organic liquids such as alcohol and glycerine, and certain subcooled metal alloys or sugar solutions. Despite their chemical diversity, these liquids exhibit a number of common characteristics. The central concept here is relaxation time – the time it takes for a fluid to return to equilibrium following an external disturbance. For water and ordinary liquids the relaxation time is around 1 picosecond, but for viscous liquids it can easily be a month or more. The relaxation time increases enormously upon cooling; it can often rise by a factor of ten when the temperature is reduced by 1%.
Potential applications of the research range from fibre optics and insulation materials to advanced materials used for a variety of biomedical purposes, such as in sensors and batteries. The food industry has also expressed great interest in acquiring a greater understanding of solidification processes.
Jeppe Dyre, professor,
Mette Christina Nielsen, centre coordinater,
Researchers at Glass and Time employed by Roskilde University
Claire Lemarchand, Postdoctoral Fellow,
Bo Jakobsen, Scientific engineer,
Heine Larsen, IT specialist,
Ebbe Hyldahl Larsen, Engineering assistant,
Torben Steen Rasmussen, Engineering assistant,
The research centre Glass and Time participates in a number of research projects with both internal and external funding, and the centre's researchers are involved in projects in collaboration with other research institutions in Denmark and abroad.
Research project in Glass and Time at Roskilde University Research Portal
Data from some of the group's publications are published on this page. The data are under the copyright of the Glass and Time group, but can be used free of charge (for further analysis) in accordance with the terms given in the ReadMe.txt file included in each set.
Available dataset from the Glass og Time publications
The Glass and Time group is developing RUMD, a CUDA-based molecular dynamics simulation package.
Find RUMD - Roskilde University Molecular Dynamics package - at the RUMD homepage
The IMFUFA reseach group has a highly specialized workshop, where new experimental setups are continuously developed in close collaboration between researchers and technicians.
E.g. Roskilde University has a test set-up for testing rolling resistance. The set-up has been developed by Glass and TIme and built at IMFUFA's workshop.
Research output: Contribution to journal ? Journal article ? Research ? peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal ? Journal article ? Research ? peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal ? Journal article ? Research ? peer-review
Ingebrigtsen, T. (Organizer) & Dyre, J. (Organizer)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event ? Organisation and participation in conference
Ingebrigtsen, T. (Organizer) & Dyre, J. (Organizer)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event ? Organisation and participation in conference
Dyre, J. (Organizer) & Ingebrigtsen, T. (Organizer)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event ? Organisation and participation in conference
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Hecksher, T., Jensen, J. H. & Dyre, J.
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
tt备用网址 Jeppe Dyre has received a grant of DKK 39.9 million for the six-year project 'Matter'. The project period runs from 2017-2023. The grant was awarded by the VILLUM FOUNDATION, via the fund's 'VILLUM Investigator' programme.
The centre is based at the Department of Science and Environment
Related research units: Matematik og Fysik (IMFUFA) research group
PhD Programme: Doctoral School of Science and Environment
Degree programmes: Physics // Physics and Scientific Modelling // Mathematical Bioscience // International tt备用网址 in Natural Sciences
Find further information about Glass and Time:
Jeppe Dyre
Phone +45 4674 2284
Mette Christina Nielsen
Centre coordinator
Phone +45 4674 2760