Workshop on Religion in Museums
Associate professor Randi Marselis presents methodological developments and early results from the research project 'Religion: Living Heritage' on (digital) workshop in Wien.
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Sct Ib's Church in Roskilde. Photo: Randi Marselis.
Associate professor Randi Marselis presents methods and early results from the research project Religion: Living Heritage (Velux-financed) on a workshop arranged by Dom Museum Wien and Museumakademie at Universalmuseum Joanneum (Austria). She tells about experiments with new forms of contemporary collecting within the subproject 'The city as context for lived everyday religion'. The subproject makes use of various collecting methods as for instance walking interviews and memory workshops in order to collect stories and objects about lived religious life in Roskilde.
Date and Place: October 20, 2020, Dom Museum Wien (Zoom conference).