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Research Group Intercultural studies

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Kult: A journal about postcolonial Denmark

The journal Kult connects a series of discussion fields, which could all be categorised under the umbrella term, postcolonial Denmark. Kult also includes discussions beyond the Danish context. The journal is based in the research group Intercultural studies at Roskilde University.

Lars Jensen

The Greenlandic paradox

Climate changes are bringing both economic potential and major problems to Greenland, which has only limited opportunities to influence developments itself.

Overblik over forskning p? RUC

Base at RUC

The research group is a part of Department of Communication and Arts

Related research units: Center for K?n, Magt og Mangfoldighed (in Danish) // Language & Learning

PhD School: PhD Programme in Communication and Arts

Education: Cultural Encounters // Humanistisk tt备用网址 (in Danish) // tt备用网址 in Global Humanities

Research from Roskilde Universitet

Research - an overview

ikon for website

More information

Postkolonial - a journal about postcolonial Denmark

Sprogforum - (in Danish) a journal about experiences, studies, and ideas in the field of culture- and language pedagogy with a view to foreign and second language teaching. 

Cultural Encounters and Differences - a blog written by teachers and students at the course 'Cultural Encounters and Differences'.


The research group on Roskilde University's research portal



Garbi Schmidt,
Phone +45 4674 3117

Linda Lapina
Associate professor