Other Projects and Grants

Buur, Lars. 2020. Pressemeddelelse. Forskningsprojekt om private pengeoverf?rslers effekt i Afrika modtager 12 millioner kroner
Research Network ‘A national turn contesting globalization? New resource encounters in Africa’ (2018-2019). Nordic Research Council (NOS-HS) Lars Buur, Malin Nystrand, Ellen Hillbom, Rasmus H. Pedersen, Randi Kaarhus and Robin Biddulph.
The Political Economy of Oil governance in Mozambique. Form part of ESID research programme on Oil Governance (2018-2019). José Jaime Macuane, Padil Salimo and Lars Buur.
The Political Economy of Social protection in Tanzania. Form part of ESID research programme on social protection (2018-2019). Rasmus H. Pedersen and Thabit Jacob.
The Political Economy of Social protection in Mozambique. Form part of ESID research programme on social protection (2016-2017). Lars Buur and Padil Salimo.
Salimo, Padil (2017), Perfil de Terras em Mo?ambique. Alian?a da Sociedade Civil Contra a Usurpa??o de Terras: Maputo, Setembro 2017. Civil Society Alliance Against Land Usurpation Project
‘Degrees of contestation - relations between smallholders and investors in large-scale agricultural investments’ (2016-2019). International post-doc project, Swedish Research Council, Malin Nystrand.
Lars Buur with padil Salimo and José Jaime Macuane, (2017) The Political Economy of Oil governance in Mozambique (?39.900)
Lars Buur with Malin Nystrand and Rasmus H. Pedersen, (2017) Research Network ‘A national turn contesting globalization? New resource encounters in Africa’ (2018-2019). Nordic Research Council (NOS-HS, 445.050 SEK)
Lars Buur with Rasmus H. Pedersen and Thabit Jacob, (2017) Political Economy of social protection Tanzania. ESID Manchester University. (?24,000)
Thabit Jacob: African Presidential Scholars Fellowship, University of Michigan (2016-2017)
Lars Buur and Padil Salimo, 2016. Lars Buur Team Leader: The political economy of social transfers. World Bank: Washington. US (30.000 USD)
Malin Nystrand (2016) ‘Degrees of contestation - relations between smallholders and investors in large-scale agricultural investments’ (2016-2019). International post-doc project, Swedish Research Council (SEK 3,150,000) - attached to the Hierarchies research programme.
Thabit Jacob shortlisted for the Lionel Cliffe Memorial Research award coordinated by Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE)
Opportuna Kweka travel grant. Nordic Africa Institute: September-November 2016, to travel to Sweden and work with a research cluster on Rural Agrarian Change, Property and Resources:
Rasmus H. Pedersen, Danida-funded project. The Timber Rush: Private Forestry in Village Land, January 4, 2016 - December 31, 2019. Partners: Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania, Centre for Sustainable Rural Development, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark and University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics, Denmark
Celso Monjane, Professional Development Grant of $2000 in 2015 from the American Political Science Association (APSA).