Welcome to 1,819 new students

On Saturday, 28 July, 1,819 future students were notified that they have been admitted to Roskilde University. This is a small increase compared to 2017, when 1,693 students were offered enrolment at RUC.
This is particularly due to the increased enrolment at the tt备用网址 programme in Humanities and Technology and the International tt备用网址 programme in Natural Sciences. The increase of students enrolled in these programmes is 12.5 %.
”Today, many young people emphasize the commitment involved in project work, that theory is applied in practice, and that they learn to look beyond the boundaries of the individual disciplines. At RUC, the students receive training in what is called “21st century skills”. These include autonomy, critical thinking, collaboration, interdisciplinarity and creativity,” says RUC's rector, Hanne Leth Andersen.
She highlights Roskilde University's unique profile as the reason for the increasing number of applicants:
"RUC is and has always been a university that dares to follow a different path. We do not offer everything and we do not attempt to cover all areas. We prefer to excel in fewer areas,” explains Hanne Leth Andersen.
The new students will start at Roskilde University on 20 August.
Read more about the start of studies at RUC.