RUC hosts elite European programme in security and defence policy

From 17–21 April, the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University will host 74 participants from 22 EU countries. They will participate in a module of the High-level Course on Common Security and Defence Policy. All the participants hold senior or high-profile positions in the field of foreign and security policy.
According to programme manager Peter Horne Zartsdahl, who is RUC's representative at the ESDC, it is a major event that the programme is holding a module at Roskilde University.
"This is the first time ever that Denmark is hosting a module. I hope that we will be able to demonstrate how RUC's problem-based approach to research and learning is ideal for practical implementation - also in higher education programmes and courses for senior management in, for example, the EU," he says.
The Security and Defence Policy course is the flagship programme of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC). Now in its 18th year, the programme comprises four 1-week modules that take place in four EU host countries, with a maximum of two places per Member State per year.
"Participants will work problem-oriented and in-depth with EU security and defence policy missions and operations, with a focus on civil-military integration and relations in both mission planning and execution," explains Peter Horne Zartsdahl.
Focus on external partners
According to RUC's programme manager, the university's task is to challenge and develop the participants' approaches to their current and future service within the EU's security and defence policy area.
"We have applied for the hosting to demonstrate the value of problem-orientated and research-based contributions to the highest level of education and training in the field of the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy. The emphasis in the Danish module is on external partners, for example from state institutions and civil society in the countries where the missions take place. This contrasts with the typically more inward-looking focus of the course, where the programme focuses on perspectives from the EU's own institutions," says Peter Horne Zartsdahl.
Roskilde University is co-hosting the course with the Royal Danish Defence College, so one and a half days of the course will also be held at the Royal Danish Defence College at Svanem?llens Kaserne. Other contributors include the Royal Institute for International Relations, the Belgian Royal Higher Institute for Defence, the Finnish Police University College and the Austrian National Defence Academy.
Further information
Contact Programme Manager Peter Horne Zartsdahl on 4674 2124 or