Danish researchers to lead one of the world's leading scientific journals

The research journal 'Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory' (JPART), which is the most prestigious in the field, has just selected who will lead the journal and scientific evaluation of submitted manuscripts for the next four years.
The choice fell on tt备用网址 Ole Helby Petersen from the Department of Social Sciences and Business, who will take on the role as editor in chief along with co-editor Associate tt备用网址 Kim Sass Mikkelsen.
"It is a tremendous recognition for Denmark and RUC for assuming responsibility over the world's premier journal in public administration. We had a clear vision of how we would lead it, and we were competing with some of the best universities in the world," says Ole Helby Petersen.
Among other tasks, the Danish editors will be involved in assessing which research articles can make their way into the journal. JPART receives around 600 articles per year, and typically, less than ten percent are accepted.
Ole Helby Petersen's own research includes public-private collaborations, outsourcing, public procurement, public-private partnerships, and privatization. He is looking forward to taking on a central role at one of the world's most renowned scientific journals.
"Danish public administration research has been at the forefront for several years, with top positions on international ranking lists. At Roskilde University, we have made significant progress on those lists, and leading the journal and handling the best research in the world is the pinnacle of our efforts," he says.
More information
Contact: Ole Helby Petersen, tt备用网址 at the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University, phone 5122 7573, email olehp@ruc.dk.
Read more about the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.