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Excerpt from the artwork Chemophilia 1 by Thomas Ruhland

New artwork honors the work of tt备用网址 Emeritus Poul Erik Hansen

Biljana Mojsoska

Can nanomaterials be used as shields against bacteria and viruses?

Picture of scientist using HPLC equipment to separate CBD from other cannabis molecules.

Substance derived from the cannabis plant can combat MRSA





Biljana Mojsoska

Can nanomaterials be used as shields against bacteria and viruses?

Is it possible to create new nanomaterials that can form surfaces capable of recognising and degrading harmful bacteria or viruses? Scientists from Roskilde University are about to investigate this in a new research project that has received DKK 2 million from Villum Experiment.

Picture of scientist using HPLC equipment to separate CBD from other cannabis molecules.

Substance derived from the cannabis plant can combat MRSA

In new results, scientists from Roskilde University have shown that individual chemical components of cannabis have an effective impact on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The results confirm existing research and add crucial new knowledge on how active molecules from the cannabis plant can be applied in combination with a number of traditional antibiotics currently used to treat MRSA in humans. The results could lay the groundwork for the development of new types of medicine that could reduce consumption of conventional antibiotics and curb the growth of antibiotic resistance.

Biljana Mojsoska

Breakthrough in the search for a new treatment for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis

Chemist Biljana Mojsoska and molecular biologist H?vard Jenssen from Roskilde University have in collaboration with international research colleagues developed and tested new antimicrobial drugs that can be used as an alternative to antibiotics in the fight against the infectious disease tuberculosis. The mycobacteria that triggers tuberculosis develops resistance to more and more known antibiotics.

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Base at Roskilde University

The research groupis based at Department of Science and Environment

Related research units: FRUSTMI research centre // Environmental Dynamics research group // Molecular and Medical Biology research group // Mathematics and Physics research group

PhD Programme: Doctoral School of Science and Environment

Uddannelser og fag: Chemistry // Chemical Biology // International tt备用网址 in Natural Sciences

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More information

Find additional information about Chemistry:

Research group website at Roskilde University Research Portal



Research group leader

William Goldring
Associate tt备用网址
Phone +45 4674 2308