Research Group Audiences & Mediated life
The research group Audiences & Mediated Life (AMLife) is a multi-disciplinary and internationally oriented research group focused on the study of audiences in mediated societies. The name of the group is a reminder that many, if not all, aspects of our life are mediated by media, communication and technology, and hence our role as audience is vital for the conduct of everyday life and society, with far-reaching implications for democratic, public and private life. The research group recognizes the everyday as an important site of study, for through it are media, communication and technology appropriated, used and given meaning.
AMLife is dedicated to developing an audience-based agenda and perspective on current topics and debates, as well as to advance theoretical, methodological and empirical accounts of the concept of audience and emphasize its role in research on media, communication and technology. The group’s current interests reach broadly to processes of news consumption, media reception, cross-media uses, publics of cultural institutions, users of social and digital media and datafication of audiences.
The group provides teaching at the Department of Communication and Arts at both tt备用网址 and Master levels in the area of media studies, social media, digital media, and teaches about the implications of audiences, conceptualized in a variety of ways (citizens, consumers, users, produsers, etc.) for a variety of communicative contexts, including strategic communication.

David Mathieu // Research Group Leader // Associate tt备用网址 //
Susana Tosca // Research Group Co-Leader // Associate tt备用网址 //
Audiences & Mediated Life is envolved in a number of research projects:
This project, run by Fabian Holt, will develop new sociological theory and methodology to analyze the changing outlook and functions of cultural institutions in northern Europe, in particular within the music field, from the perspective that cultural institutions are evolving in new international processes of digitalization and centralization of ownership.
The project, headed by Jannie M?ller Hartley, examines what the ever-increasing amount of data available in our society means to Journalism, and thus sheds light on the changes in the relations between the news media and the news users.
The goal of this book project by Susana Tosca is to scrutinize repetition and sameness in a media cultural context, as an overarching category that constitutes a fusion of aesthetic and market strategies.
Beyond the Here and Now of News
This project, led by Chris Peters and Kim Schr?der, aims to understand the conditions that make news matter. It investigates the emergence, disappearance and (re)formation of news repertoires in everyday life and across the lifespan in order to provide fundamental insights into what underlies people’s shifting patterns of use.
is to scrutinize repetition and sameness in a media cultural context, as an overarching category that constitutes a fusion of aesthetic and market strategies.Online theater and new audiences
The project is a collaboration between Applaus, Iscene and Susana Tosca. We research the online theater performances in Danish cultural life during the Corona Pandemics. The aim of the project is to find out what kinds of formats have been possible, and what kind of audience experience they have facilitated.
Media, Security Crises and Youth in West Africa
The Independent Research Fund Denmark – Humanities has granted DKK 1.2 mill. to an international network of researchers, including Norbert Wildermuth, who will explore how young people in West Africa navigate streams of information in crises of security, health, and migration.
Trust in datafied media and technologies
This project, developed by David Mathieu, Jannie M?ller Hartley, Sander Andreas Schwartz and Norbert Wildermuth, looks at citizens’ appropriation and interpretation of datafied media and technologies in the context of their everyday life, with a focus on issues of privacy, trust and agency.
Find additional about projects at Roskilde University Research Portal
Digital Audiences and Evolving News Repertoires
Peters, C., Schr?der, K. C., Vulpius, J. & Lehaff, J., 2025, Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Eldridge II, S. A., Cheruiyot, D., Banjac, S. & Swart, J. (eds.). 2nd ed. London: RoutledgeResearch output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding ? Book chapter ? Research ? peer-review
M?bende ser vi til: Hvordan i alverden kan man finde p? at lukke danskstudiet?
Engberg, C., Levisen, C., Mortensen, S. S., Nielsen, L. Y. & svendsen, E., 14 Feb 2025, In: Politiken.Research output: Contribution to journal ? Contribution to newspaper - Comment/debate
A cultural policy of the future? On visions and rationales in contemporary Danish Cultural Policy
Lindelof, A. M. & Bille, T., Aug 2024.Research output: Contribution to conference ? Paper ? Research ? peer-review
International Journal of Cultural Studies (Journal)
Schr?der, K. C. (Editor)
3 Mar 2025Activity: Editorial work and peer review ? Peer review of manuscripts ? Research
Hvilke nyhedsmedier bruger danskerne – og hvad synes vi om dem?
Schr?der, K. C. (Speaker)
24 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation ? Lecture and oral contribution
Marchen Neel Gjertsen: Den v?rste bog jeg har l?st
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
Forskere vil g?re det strafbart at forskelsbehandle p? baggrund af v?gt: ’Det er ikke trygt at v?re tyk i vores samfund’
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media

Base at Roskilde University
The research groups is a part of Department of Communication and Arts
Related research units: Journalism and Democracy research group // Media and Culture research group // Centre for News Research
PhD School: Doctoral School of Communication and Arts
Education progranmmes: Journalistik (DK) // Communication // Culturel Encounters // Performance Design (DK) // Psykologi (DK) // tt备用网址 in Global Humanities
Facilities: Digital Media Lab
Research from Roskilde University

More about the research group
Additional information about Audiences & Mediated Life

David Mathieu
Research Group Leader // Associate tt备用网址
Phone +45 4674 3144