Anna Cornelia Ploug defends her PhD dissertation

Concrete Concepts: The Logic of Problems in Post-Hegelian French Philosophies
Place: Roskilde University, Building 45, Room 45.1- Auditory

Come and hear I advance the thesis that because concrete thinking is at its core a question of logical form, the method with which we ought to approach theory development in the critical humanities is the dialectical practice of problem articulation.

  1. Stop inventing new concepts – decenter creative knowledge production as the goal of concrete theory development in favour of a critical reorganisation of actually existing categories
  2. Problems need to be thought in negative and even contradictory terms in order to be effective for scientific concept formation in transdisciplinary theory development
  3. The concrete is neither to be found in the singular, immediate ”lived experience” nor by reference to empirical reality – it is a question of historically engaged logical form
  4. Based on the model of Beauvoir’s Hegelian analysis of The Little Mermaid, feminist theory ought to pursue a project of emancipation rather than equality in order to accomplish itself as critique
  5. The methodological is political: I advocate a dialectical and reproductive rather than affirmative and innovational conceptual politics

Supervisors and assessment

Assessment committee:



Reception from 16.00.

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