Admission requirements for Business Administration and Leadership
You may apply for admission if you have a bachelor’s degree equivalent to a Danish bachelor’s degree. To qualify for admission you must fulfil specific admission requirements for the Business Administration and Leadership programme as well as language requirements.
Roskilde University has preapproved a number of bachelor’s degrees which fulfil specific admission requirements.
If you have a bachelor’s degree that is not preapproved you may still apply for admission. The Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulfils the specific admission requirements.
If your bachelor’s degree is on the list of degrees that have been preapproved it fulfils the specific admission requirements. If your degree is not on the list, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fullfils the specific admission requirements.
We are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
tt备用网址’s degrees in Social Sciences
- Business Administration
- Business Studies + Communication Studies
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Business Studies + Cultural Encounters
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Business Studies + International Studies
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Business Studies + Social Psychology of Everyday Life
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Erhvervs?konomi – HA
- Virksomhedsstudier + Arbejdsliv (Previously Arbejdslivsstudier)
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier & B?redygtig Omstilling
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier + Journalistik
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier + Kommunikation
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier + Politik og Forvaltning
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier & Psykologi
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies - Virksomhedsstudier & Teknologisk-samfundsvidenskabelig Planl?gning, TekSam
On the condition that the following elements are part of your education: Subject module course in Finance (5 ECTS), an elective course within Business Administration (min. 5 ECTS) as well as a bachelor’s project with Business Studies
- Business Administration
If your bachelor’s programme is listed below you fulfil the specific admission requirements for Business Administration and Leadership.
If your programme is not preapproved, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fullfils the specific admission requirements.
We are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
- Almen Erhvervs?konomi
- Business Administration and Digital Management
- Business Administration and Service Management
- Business Administration and Sociology
- Erhvervs?konomi – filosofi
- Business, Language and Culture
- International Business
- Erhvervs?konomi og erhvervsjura (On the condition that your programme includes courses in accounting corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS, and courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS)
- Erhvervs?konomi og projektledelse
- Erhvervs?konomi og psykologi (On the condition that your programme includes courses in marketing corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS)
- Erhvervs?konomi og tt备用网址skommunikation (On the condition that your programme includes courses in accounting corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS, courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS and courses in finance corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS)
- European Business
- International Business and Politics
- International Shipping and Trade
University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
- Economics and Business Administration
- Erhvervs?konomi, HA - Almen Erhvervs?konomi
- Erhvervs?konomi HA - Digitalisering og forretningsudvikling
- Erhvervs?konomi HA - Energi management
- Erhvervs?konomi, HA – Entrepren?rskab og innovation
- Erhvervs?konomi, HA - Generel erhvervs?konomi
- Erhvervs?konomi HA - Human Resource Management
- Erhvervs?konomi, HA – International Business Erhvervs?konomi,
- Erhvervs?konomi HA - Marketing og brand management
- Erhvervs?konomi HA – Strategisk Kommunikation
- Erhvervs?konomi, HA - Sports- og Eventmanagement
Aarhus University (AU)
- Business Administration
- Economics and Business Administration
- HA - Almen Erhvervs?konomi
- HA - Almen Erhvervs?konomi med etik og ledelse
- HA - Erhvervs?konomi og erhvervsret
- HA - Erhvervs?konomi og erhvervsret med skat
- Marketing and Management Communication
Aalborg University (AAU)
- HA - Erhvervs?konomi
- HA - Erhvervs?konomi og jura
Preapproved professional bachelor’s degrees
- Professionsbachelor i Finans on the condition that you pass prerequisite studies amounting to 10 ECTS within theory of science and methodology at RUC prior to entering the programme.
- Akademiuddannelse som Markedsf?rings?konom/AP in Marketing Management (120 ECTS) + Top-up professionsbachelor i International handel og markedsf?ring/International Sales and Marketing (90 ECTS)
(On the condition that your programme includes courses in finance corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS and courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS. You must also pass prerequisite studies amounting to 10 ECTS within theory of science and methodology at RUC prior to entering the programme). Roskilde University does not offer prerequiste prerequisite courses in finance or quantitative methods.
From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis. - Akademiuddannelse som Markedsf?rings?konom/AP in Marketing Management (120 ECTS) + Top-up in Design and Business (90 ECTS)
(On the condition that your programme includes courses in finance corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS and courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS. You must also pass prerequisite studies amounting to 10 ECTS within theory of science and methodology at RUC prior to entering the programme). Roskilde University does not offer prerequisite courses in finance or quantitative methods.
From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis. - Akademiuddannelse som Markedsf?rings?konom/AP in Marketing Management (120 ECTS) + top-up in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (90 ECTS)
(On the condition that your programme includes courses in finance corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS and courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS. You must also pass prerequisite studies amounting to 10 ECTS within theory of science and methodology at RUC prior to entering the programme). Roskilde University does not offer prerequisite courses in finance or quantitative methods.
From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis. - Akademiuddannelse som Markedsf?rings?konom/AP in Marketing Management (120 ECTS) + top-up in International Hospitality Management (90 ECTS)
(On the condition that your programme includes courses in finance corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS and courses in quantitative methods corresponding to a minimum of 5 ECTS. You must also pass prerequisite studies amounting to 10 ECTS within theory of science and methodology at RUC prior to entering the programme). Roskilde University does not offer prerequisite courses in finance or quantitative methods.
From 1.9.2026 the programme is no longer preapproved for admission. Applications will be assessed on an individual basis.
See examples of international bachelor’s programmes preapproved for admission to Business Administration and Leadership below.
For programmes not listed Roskilde University will assess if the academic content of your bachelor’s degree fulfils the specific admission requirements. We are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
- ESCP Business School (Campus Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Turin and Warzawa) > BSc in Management
- EU Business School (Campus: Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux, Munich and Online) > BBA - tt备用网址 of Business Administration
- Module University, Vienna > BSc in International Management with a Specialization in Entrepreneurship & Leadership or in Advanced International Management
- KU Leuven > BSc in Business Administration
- University of Tartu > tt备用网址 of Business Administration
- Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel/Kiel University (CAU) > BSc in Betriebswirtschaftslehre/BSc Business Administration
- HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration > BSc in Business Administration
- WittenHerdecke/ Witten/Herdecke University > BSc in Management
- Háskólans í Reykjavík/Reykjavik University > BSc in Vi?skiptafr??i/Business Administration
- University of Delhi > tt备用网址 of Management Studies
- Trinity College Dublin > B.B.S. Honours tt备用网址 Degree in Business Studies
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore > Major in Management
- Vilnius University > tt备用网址 in Business Management
- Vilnius University > International Business
- Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) > BSc in International Business Administration
- Handelsh?yskolen BI/Norwegean Business School > Business Administration, BBA
- Iscte University Institute of Lisbon > BSc in Management
- Autonomous University of Madrid > Business Management and Administration Degree
- J?nk?ping University > Sustainable Enterprise development
- J?nk?ping University > Ekonomie kandidatexamen med huvudomr?det f?retagsekonomi
- J?nk?ping University > Business and Economics with a major in Business Administration
- Lunds Universitet > Business and Economics with a major in International Business
- University of Wisconsin Madison > BBA in Management and Human Resources
See the specific admission requirements for Business Administration and Leadership below. If your bachelor’s degree has not been preapproved, the Admissions Office will assess if the academic content of your educational background fulllfils the specific admission requirements. This is based on an individual, academic assessment.
We are not able to assess your qualifications before you apply for a master’s programme.
Specific admission requirements for Business Administration and Leadership
To be qualified for admission, your bachelor’s degree must contain 75 ECTS in the following subject areas:
- 5 ECTS quantitative methods/statistics
- 5 ECTS additional method of data analysis*(statistics in addition to the 5 ECTS or other qualitative or quantitative method corresponding in level to at least the first year of a Danish university programme. Data collection may be included to a lesser extent)
- 5 ECTS philosophy of science and/or methods in Social Sciences* corresponding in level to at least the first year of a Danish university programme
- 5 ECTS microeconomics and/or macroeconomics
- 5 ECTS business economics/accounting
- 5 ECTS finance
- 5 ECTS marketing
- 5 ECTS organisation theory
- 35 ECTS additional business courses/projects
The University makes an individual assessment of whether your qualifications cover the above subject areas to a sufficient extend based on the documents that you upload with your application.
*If you do not meet the requirements in additional method of data analysis and Philosophy of science and/or methods in Social Sciences you may be offered summer prerequisite studies prior to the start of your master’s studies.
Please note that only formal qualifications (ECTS/credits) are assessed, and that the university only takes ECTS/credits passed as part of or prior to the graduation date of the bachelor’s programme into account.
If you have completed one of the following bachelor’s programmes at Roskilde University you have a legal right of admission (retskrav) to the master's programme in Business Administration and Leadership:
tt备用网址’s degrees in Social Sciences
- Business Administration (single-subject)
In order to use your legal right of admission to the master's programme in Business Administration and Leadership, you must apply for admission to the master's programme in accordance with current application deadlines and procedures.
The Board of Studies has determined the admission requirements who are published as an appendix to the study regulation on the university's website. The appendix is in a Pdf with all admission requirements for Business Administration and Leadership (pdf)