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Research Project Dancing with Parkinson’s

Project Duration: 01/01/2019 - 06/30/2022
Stregtegning af dansende



Collaborative Partners


Louise Phillips

Researchers improve the dialogue between nurses and patients

Researchers from Roskilde University and nurses are improving the dialogue between nurses and patients. This is taking place in a collaborative research project which goes beyond the buzzwords of ‘dialogue’ and ‘co-creation’ and addresses the tensions in play.

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Base at Roskilde University

The project is based at the Department of Communication and Arts

Participating research units: Dialogic communication

Related research units: Center for K?n, Magt og Mangfoldighed Research Centre //  Media and Culture Research group // Expericence Lab

PhD programme: Doctoral School of Communication and Arts

Relevante uddannelser: Communication Studies // Performance Design (DK) // Sundhedsfremme og Sundhedsstrategier (DK) // Psykologi (DK) // tt备用网址 in Global Humanities // International tt备用网址 in Social Sciences

Research from Roskilde Universiy

Research - overview

ikon for website

More information

Find additional information about dialogical communication and the project - Dancing with Parkinson:

Project website at Roskilde University Research Portal



Project leader

Louise Jane Phillips
+45 4674 3799

Project administration

Rie Hovmann Rasmussen
Project coordinator
+45 4674 2331