Step 1: Application Deadlines
When can I apply?
RUC's master’s programmes have study start once a year on September 1.
The digital application system (DANS) is available one month before the application deadline. We strongly recommend that you apply well in advance of the application deadline as you may encounter unforeseen problems during the application process, including technical problems.
Please be aware that it is your own responsibility to apply within the stated deadlines. We do not accept applications submitted after the application deadline.
Application deadlines for EU/EEA, Swiss and Danish citizens
- March 1 (11.59 pm CET) for September study start
Application deadlines for non-EU/EEA citizens
If you are required to pay tuition fees:
- January 15 (11.59 pm CET) for September study start
If you are exempt from paying tuition fees:
- March 1 (11.59 pm CET) for September study start
Please note that as a non-EU/EEA student you are only exempt from paying tuition fees if you hold one of the following types of residence permit to Denmark:
- A permanent residence permit in Denmark ('Permanent opholdstilladelse')
- A temporary residence permit with the possibility of a permanent residence in Denmark ('Opholdstilladelse med mulighed for varigt ophold'). Your residence card must state: 'mhp. varigt ophold' or 'mmf varigt ophold
- A residence permit in Denmark according to the EU/EEA regulations (Opholdstilladelse jf. EF/E?S bekendtg?relsen)
- Children of workers from non-EU/EEA countries having been granted a residence permit pursuant to Section 9M (previously 9C) of the Danish Aliens Act and whose parents have been granted residence permits pursuant to Section 9A of the Danish Aliens Act.
- Temporary residence permit pursuant to section 7(1) and section 8(1) (convention refugees) or section 7(2) and section 8(2) (foreigners with protection status) of the Danish Aliens Act.
- Temporary residence permit pursuant to section 9(1) or 9c (1) of the Danish Aliens Act based on a familial relationship to a foreigner with a residence permit pursuant to section 7(1) or (2) or section 8(1) or (2) of the Danish Aliens Act.