Directions to Roskilde University

Welcome to Roskilde University Campus

Find your way at Campus
Interactive map
Find your way with MazaMap - our interactive map af campus, buildings and classrooms.

Internet access for guests at the university
As a guest at Roskilde University, you have several options to access the Internet.
Where do I find ...
The Roskilde University Reception & Service Desk is located in building 03.1-S.
Reception & Service Desk help you find your way around Roskilde University, study and access cards, IT and AV.Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8.00-16.00
Roskilde University's goods delivery is in building 36.
Driving directions from the westbound direction of the highway (from Copenhagen)
Driving directions from the eastbound direction of the highway (towards Copenhagen)
The canteen's goods reception is in building 01.
Rector | Building 03.2
Pro-rector | Building 03.2
University Director | Building 03.2
Rector’s Office | Building 03.2Administration
Communication & Rector’s Office | Building 03.2
Digital | Building 03.2
Education & Students | Building 01, 03.2
Finance & Campus | Building 03.2
HR | Building 03.2 -
Department Offices
Department of Communication and Arts (DCA) | Building 42.3
Department of People and Technology (DPT) | Building 02
Department of Science and Environment (DSE) | Building 28B.1
Department of Social Sciences and Business (DSSB) | Building 14.1 -
Auditoriums | Building 00, 01, 15.1, 25.2, 41, 45.1, 46.1
Campus Service | Building 03.2
Canteen | Building 01
Cinema | Building 41
Driftsg?rden | Building 39
FabLab | Building 09.1
Goods delivery: Canteen | Building 01
Goods delivery: Library | Building 26
Goods delivery: RUC | Building 36
Grand Auditorium | Building 00
Library | Building 26
Post Service | Building 36
Reception | Building 03.1
Service Desk | Building 03.1
Student Chaplain | Building 26.1
Student Council | Building 13
Student Counselling Service | Building 26.1
Student House | Building 13
Student Hub | Building 01
Study programmes
Humanistisk tt备用网址 | Building 44.3, 45, 46
Humanistisk-Teknologisk tt备用网址 | Building 9.2, 44
Naturvidenskabelig tt备用网址 | Building 11, 12, 15, 27, 28
Samfundsvidenskabelig tt备用网址 | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
International tt备用网址 in Humanities | Building 20.1
International tt备用网址 in Natural Sciences | Building 12
International tt备用网址 in Social Sciences | Building 21, 22, 07, 25 -
Arbejdsliv | Building 03.1
Business Administration and Leadership | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
By og Plan | Building 02.0
B?redygtig Omstilling (TekSam) | Building 02.0
Chemical Biology | Building 15, 28
Computer Science | Building 44
Dansk | Building 43.2
Digital Transformation | Building 44
Environmental Science | Building 11, 12
Filosofi og Videnskabsteori | Building 42.1
Global and Development Studies | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
Historie | Building 42.3
International Politics and Governance | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
Journalistik | Building 42.2
Kommunikation | Building 40
Kulturm?destudier | Building 43.3
Mathematical Bioscience | Building 27
Media and Communication | Building 40
Molecular Health Science | Building 15, 28
Nordic Urban Planning Studies | Building 02
Physics and Scientific Modelling | Building 27
Politik og Forvaltning | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
Social Entrepreneurship and Management | Building 03.1
Social Intervention | Building 03.1
Socialpsykologi og L?ring | Building 03.1
Socialvidenskab | Building 21, 22, 07, 25
Tv?rvidenskabelige Sundhedsstudier | Building 44.1
Virksomhedsledelse | Building 21, 22, 07, 25 -
The Student Hub is located by the canteen in building 01
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 12-13.30
By train
Go straight across Trekronervej to the Trekroner Centre, when you exit the station. Follow the path through the centre to the bridge over Trekroner Allé and further to Trekroner lake. At the lake, take the path to the right along the lake. After the ball field you can turn right up along the library until you reach RUC's main entrance at the "Square Root". The large portal leads you into the campus. It takes approximately 10 minutes to walk from the station to the university.
From Copenhagen
?A single ticket for the train between Copenhagen Central Station and Trekroner Station costs about DKK 80. The train ride from Copenhagen to Trekroner Station takes approximately 25 minutes - make sure that the train stops at Trekroner Station, not all trains for Roskilde do.
From Roskilde?
A single ticket for the train between Roskilde Station and Trekroner Station costs about DKK 23. The train ride from Roskilde to Trekroner Station takes approximately 5 minutes.
From the Airport
?All passengers on international flights arrive at Terminal 3 in Copenhagen Airport Kastrup (CPH) - regardless of the airline. The entrance to the railway station is in Terminal 3. Here you will find trains to Copenhagen Central Station.
At Copenhagen Central Station several connections for Roskilde stopping at Trekroner Station/Roskilde University leave every hour.
A single ticket ('all zones') for the train between the Airport and Trekroner Station via Copenhagen Central Station costs about DKK 92. The train ride from the airport to the city is 15 minutes, while the ride from the Central Station to Trekroner Station takes approximately 30 minutes.
By bus
From Roskilde ?Bus no. 220 and 201A.? A single ticket for the bus between Roskilde Station and Roskilde University costs DKK 23,50. The bus ride takes approximately 15 minutes.
See bus and train timetables on the journeyplanner Rejseplanen.
A taxi costs approximately DKK 600 from the airport to Roskilde University. A taxi fare from the airport to Copenhagen Central Station costs approximately DKK 300.
From Copenhagen
Take motorway 21 towards Roskilde. Exit at no. 9 (Trekroner/Hedehusene V). Follow the signs to 'Roskilde Universitet (RUC)'.
Map with directions from exit no. 9 to Roskilde University
From R?dbyhavn or Gedser
From R?dbyhavn take motorway E47 towards K?benhavn (Copenhagen).From Gedser take motorway E55 towards K?benhavn (Copenhagen). After approximately 150 km, take motorway 21 towards Roskilde. Exit at no. 9 (Trekroner/Hedehusene V). Follow the signs to 'Roskilde Universitet (RUC)'.
From Holb?k, Ringsted, Kors?r
Take motorway 21 towards K?benhavn (Copenhagen). Exit at no. 10 (Roskilde ?/Hedehusene). Follow the signs to 'Roskilde Universitet (RUC)'.
Map with directions from exit no. 10 to Roskilde University
Please note that at Roskilde University you are only allowed to park, where there are blue parking signs.
It is usually not a problem to find available parking spaces at Roskilde University Campus. Parking at P2 and P3, north of the dormitory, requires a parking permit. However, a permit is not necessary if you park at the diagonal parking spaces at the street “Trekroner Forskerpark” (P1).
Guest parking permits can be obtained from the service desk at building 03.
If you are visiting an employee at Roskilde University, the employee has the opportunity to issue a guest parking permit and send it to you as a pdf.
If you are an employee or student, you can read more about your parking opportunities at Roskilde University's intranet.
If you are a censor, your parking permit will be included in an email which you will receive from Roskilde University.
Electric charging points
Parking Area P2 at building 12 has a total of eight electric charging points, which are operated by Clever.
Parking area P3 at building 03 has a total of 24 electric charging points operated by OK.